Page 44 of Carnival Nightmare

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A deep growl rises in my chest. “No, that’s different. What I did was because we’re meant for each other. I only made you see that. That son of a bitch wanted to get his dick wet for one night, angel.”

“And what do you want?”She asks.

“You,”I reply, kissing her soft lips tenderly. “Forever.”

She doesn’t ask me how that will work, considering I’m moving on with the carnival next week. Instead, she kisses me back. But I have a plan. There’s no way in hell I’m leaving her behind.

“Don’t you regret what you did to him, though?”She asks. That delicious fear is still visible in her bright blue eyes.

I chuckle darkly. “Regret hurting someone who tried to hurt you?”I shake my head. “I’d do it one hundred times over. If anyone ever tries to hurt you again…”I release her throat and stroke her cheek almost gently. “You’re mine, Lily. I’ll kill anyone who tries to take you from me.”

A shudder goes through her slender frame. But she doesn’t pull away, though, pressing closer. She’s not as light and innocent as I first believed.

“Aren’t you worried you’re going to go to jail?”She asks.

My angel cares about me. Some of her fear isn’t born out of what I’m capable of but losing me to law enforcement. It excites me that she’s open to who I really am. The monster that lurks beneath the surface. “No. I know what I’m doing.”

Her expression hardens. “Because you’ve done it before?”She tries to get off my lap, but I hold her firm. “How many women have you done this for before?”

I shake my head. “None. I have killed before, but not for the same reason.”

She sinks her teeth into her lip. “You really are unhinged, aren’t you?”

I tighten my grip on Lily’s waist, keeping her firmly in my lap while she tries to pull away. She called me unhinged. Maybe I am. But she’s the one who opened her door to me tonight.

“I’m not a monster, Lily,”I tell her firmly. “I did what I had to do to protect you. That’s all that matters to me—keeping you safe.”

She shakes her head, looking away. “You barely know me. I don’t understand this obsession you have.”

I grasp her chin and force her to meet my eyes. “You felt it too, that very first night at the carnival. This connection between us.”I run my thumb over her soft lower lip. “I knew you were special right away. That’s why I had to have you, make you mine.”

“By stalking me? Breaking into my home?”Her voice shakes slightly.

“I needed to know everything about you.”I smooth back her hair. “I’d do anything for you.”

She bites her lip again, giving me a conflicted look.

“Tell me you don’t feel what’s between us, and I’ll let you go right now,”I challenge.

Lily hesitates, holding my gaze for a long moment. Slowly, she leans in and presses her lips to mine. I crush her against me, claiming her mouth hungrily, triumph surging through me. She’s mine, and she knows it.

I break the kiss, both of us breathing hard. “See? You’re meant to be with me. I’ll never let anyone hurt you again.”

Lily touches her fingers to her kiss-swollen lips, looking dazed. “I don’t know how to feel right now...”

“You don’t have to figure it all out yet, angel.”I kiss her forehead gently. “Just trust me. I’ll take care of everything.”

She nods slowly, still conflicted, but our connection is too strong to deny. In time, she’ll come to accept what we have.

“It’s getting late. I should take you home.”I lift her off my lap and stand, taking her hand.

As we leave the trailer, I spot one of the vendors giving Lily a lingering look. Jealous rage surges through me. I put my arm around Lily’s waist and stare him down until he looks away.

Lily is mine. And soon, I’ll make sure we’re never apart again.



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