Page 4 of Carnival Nightmare

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Laughing together, Alice drags me toward yet another ride. We’ve already been at the carnival for over two hours, far longer than I originally agreed. The bright lights and energy have recharged me in a way I didn’t expect.

“Just one more ride!” Alice pleads, giving me her best puppy dog eyes. She knows I can never say no to that face.

“Fine, fine,” I concede with a smile. “But this is the last one, okay? I’ve got to work the morning shift tomorrow.”

Alice squeals, hugging me tightly. “You’re the best! I promise this will be the last one.”

We get in line for the tilt-a-whirl, giggling as we watch the riders spinning around deliriously. We’re both feeling giddy and free by the time it’s our turn. The ride leaves us stumbling and dizzy, struggling to keep our balance.

“Okay, now I really do have to go,” I say firmly as the world slowly stops spinning. “Just let me run to the bathroom quick, and then we’ll head out.”

Alice pouts but doesn’t argue this time. “Fine, but hurry up!”

I make my way through the crowd toward the little bathroom trailer. As I reach for the door, a large hand appears out of nowhere, slamming it shut before I can enter. I gasp and whirl around.

It’s him. The mystery man from the diner. Up close, he’s even more imposing—towering well over six foot six, with bulging muscles and cold, dark eyes that seem to bore into my soul. Eyes that are fixed intently on me, glinting with a disturbing intensity.

“Hello there, baby,” he says in a low, gravelly voice that sends chills down my spine.

I take a step back, my heart racing. “Excuse me?”

He moves closer, cornering me against the bathroom door. “I said hello,” he repeats, his lips curling into a predatory smile. “We meet again.”

Fear, mingled with an unnameable sensation, shoots through me. I place my hands firmly on his chest, trying to push him away. “I don’t know you,” I say, trying to keep the tremor from my voice. “Please move.”

His smile widens, a glint of sadistic pleasure in his eyes. “Not yet. I’ve been waiting to get you alone.”

My breath quickens as he leans in, bracing his hands on either side of my head, trapping me. Though every instinct screams at me to run, part of me is frozen, morbidly curious about how far he’ll go.

I shudder as his hot breath caresses my ear, his deep voice dropping to a sinister whisper. “I’ve been watching you, Lily. Haven’t been able to take my eyes off you since the moment I first saw you. I know where you work and where you live. I know you live alone in that little apartment.”

His words chill me, even as my heart hammers against my ribs. He knows my name and too much about my private life. I want to escape this predator focused so intently on me, but my feet remain glued to the spot.

“Tonight, after you leave here, I’ll follow you home. I’ll let myself in real quiet, like a shadow. Then I’ll slip into your bedroom and watch you sleep.”

I squeeze my eyes shut, willing him to stop, but his gravelly voice continues, dripping with malice.

“So beautiful lying there, all vulnerable. I could do anything I wanted to your perfect body, and you wouldn’t be able to do a thing to stop me.”

Bile rises in my throat at the grotesque images he conjures. My knees go weak, only the solid door at my back keeping me upright. Yet, I can’t bring myself to flee, morbidly fascinated by how twisted his fantasies about me are.

“But I won’t do anything tonight. No, I’m going to take my time with you. Draw it out nice and slow. Tomorrow I’ll come back and watch you again. And the night after that. Until you’re trembling at every little sound, knowing I could take you anytime I please.”

His body presses against mine, and I shudder with both disgust and an unwelcome thrill. He’s in complete control, savoring my fear. Though his threats are disgusting, a small part of me is disturbingly tantalized by his dangerous obsession.

“Please,” I whisper, hating the breathless plea in my voice. “Just leave me alone.”

He chuckles darkly. “Oh no, angel. We’re just getting started…”

My heart pounds as I stare up at this hulking stranger pinning me helplessly against the bathroom door. His threats hang between us, chilling me to the bone while they awaken a dark fascination I can’t comprehend.

I should scream, fight, anddo anything to get away from him. But I remain paralyzed, ensnared by his predatory gaze.

“Why are you doing this?” I whisper.

His smile sends another shiver down my spine. “I saw you at the diner and knew I had to have you. Couldn’t rest until I made you mine.” His hand caresses my cheek, and I flinch away from his touch. He laughs, a low, menacing sound. “There’s no point fighting this, Lily. You’re mine now, whether you want to be or not.”

Panic rises in my chest. I try to duck under his arm, but he slams his fist against the door, blocking my escape. “Leaving so soon? We’ve only just gotten acquainted.” His massive body presses closer, and I’m overwhelmed by the scent of tobacco and leather.“You’re not going anywhere,” he hisses, his eyes gleaming with twisted satisfaction. “This is only the beginning.”

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