Page 2 of Carnival Nightmare

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Finally, she notices me sitting alone and grabs a menu, sauntering over on long, tanned legs. “Welcome! I’m Lily, I’ll be taking care of you,” she chirps.

Up close, she’s even more stunning, with full, pouty pink lips and captivating green eyes. I have to stop myself from reaching out and caressing her angelic face.

Lily smiles and pulls out her order pad. “What can I get for you?”

I meet her gaze, utterly transfixed. “I’ll have you,” I reply in a low voice.

Her brows furrow in confusion, and she lets out an awkward little laugh. “I’m sorry, what was that?”

I shake my head, snapping out of the trance her beauty put me under. “Just a coffee. Black,” I mutter quickly.

“Sure thing! I’ll get it right away,” Lily says brightly before returning to the kitchen.

I silently berate myself as I watch her disappear again. Get it together, man. Can’t come on too strong yet. What matters is learning every single thing about her.

Lily returns a few minutes later, setting a steaming mug of black coffee before me.

“Here you go! Nice and hot,” she says cheerfully.

I nod in thanks, unable to tear my eyes away from her gorgeous face. She’s even more stunning up close. I want to reach out and run my fingers through her golden hair.

“Let me know if you need anything else!” Lily says before turning to check on her other customers.

I watch her glide around the diner, mesmerized by her every movement. The way she leans across the counter to refill a coffee gives me a glimpse of her perfect ass in that snug uniform. I imagine grabbing two fistfuls of it and pulling her against me.

My thoughts drift into dangerous territory as I observe her interacting with other male customers, laughing at their lame attempts at flirting and touching their shoulders playfully. A flash of heat surges through me. She belongs to me now, even if she doesn’t know it yet.

I picture myself waiting for her after work, grabbing her from behind, and dragging her into a dark alley. Throwing her against the brick wall and crushing my lips against hers in a forceful kiss. Her screams are muffled as I rip her uniform open, exposing soft, supple flesh.

“Everything alright?”

Lily’s voice snaps me back to reality. She’s standing by my table, smiling brightly. So innocent and oblivious to the vile thoughts polluting my mind.

“Yeah, it’s good. Thanks,” I mutter, avoiding eye contact.

“Wonderful! I’ll be around if you need a refill or anything else.”

As she walks away, I take a long swig of scalding coffee to distract myself. These twisted fantasies have to stop before I do something reckless. But Lily has awakened something primal and dangerous inside me. An obsessive hunger that I’m struggling to control.

I need to get out of here and clear my head. But I can’t leave yet. That would look suspicious. I’ll wait a few more minutes and finish my coffee. Then I’ll throw down the cash and casually stroll out like it’s no big deal.

In the meantime, I’ll keep watching Lily from afar. And then, I’ll spend time learning her habits and schedule without drawing attention. Soon enough, I’ll figure out how to make her mine. And once I have her, I’m never letting go.



With a sigh, I turn the key in the lock on my front door, entering my cramped apartment. It’s been a long shift at the diner, and I’m exhausted. All I want is to take a hot shower and collapse into bed.

“Lily, you’re home!” Alice greets me.

Alice is my best friend, and she doesn’t even live here but regularly lets herself in. Before I can even set my bag down, she’s already chattering a mile a minute.

“You’ll never believe it—the carnival is in town! We’ve got to go check it out tonight. It’s opening night, so it will be extra special.”

I suppress another sigh. Alice is amazing but can be a bit much sometimes, especially when overexcited about something. Don’t get me wrong, I love her, but tonight, I’m not in the mood. The thought of the carnival, with its bright lights and loud music, only adds to my weariness.

“That’s great, Al, but I’m pretty beat,” I say, trying to let her down easily. “It was a long day at the diner.”

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