Page 12 of Carnival Nightmare

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She claps her hands and sits up suddenly. “What pizza do you want? I’m going to get the ham and pineapple.”

I wrinkle my nose. “I’ll never understand people who think it’s okay to put hot fruit on a pizza.”

She rolls her eyes. “You don’t know what you’re missing.”

“I’ll have pepperoni, please.”

“Boring choice, then.” She sticks her tongue out at me before dialing the pizza place to order.

I swallow hard, feeling a shiver race through me at being alone momentarily. The mystery man from the carnival has gotten under my skin in such a bad way. I can’t stop thinking about him. Even though he’s been stalking me ever since we met. I know I should be terrified of him—and a big part of me is—but this sick, twisted part also finds him undeniably alluring.

When he first cornered me outside the bathroom at the carnival, I was paralyzed by fear. He had me trapped there, his tall, muscular body blocking any escape. But as he leaned in close, his breath hot on my neck, I felt a shiver run through me that wasn’t just fear.

It was desire. A desire for a gorgeous, dangerous man who could overpower me instantly. I hated myself for it, but I couldn’t deny the unwanted arousal his proximity caused.

And now he’s invaded my home, my safe space, and left his mark. That bullet on the counter was a promise that he could end me anytime. But it also showed I excite him. He wants me as badly as I find myself wanting him, though I’d never admit it out loud.

When he appeared at the diner, I thought I might pass out from the rush of fear and adrenaline. But beneath it lurked that traitorous arousal again. How he looked at me with those piercing chestnut eyes, like I was already his possession, made me weak.

If he got me alone, things could go to a very dark place. A place I’m terrified to explore yet morbidly curious about. He awakens things in me no man ever has.

My mind spins with fantasies of what he might do if he got his hands on me. And though it shames me, I can’t stop picturing his gorgeous, tattooed body claiming mine, his strong hands roaming every inch of me.

I should despise him for terrorizing me, but part of me hopes our paths cross again soon. I know giving in to him would be reckless, yet I’m drawn to the darkness and depravity he represents. He’s awakened my most primal urges; try as I might, I cannot make them disappear.

Alice sticks her head through the door. “Twenty minutes for the pizza. Come on, let’s put on some bullshit TV and have some wine.” Her intrusion chases away the unwanted thoughts in my mind, and I stand, following her into the living room.

“Sounds perfect,” I say, even as I try to push the thoughts of my crazy stalker out of my mind. It’s impossible. He’s imprinted in there for more reasons than one. All I can hope is that he loses interest quick before things take a turn I don’t think I can resist.



The excitement of the carnival can be heard throughout the sleepy little town. Shadows act as my cover while I stride down Main Street, which is utterly deserted. It seems like the entire fucking town is at the carnival, which makes my job easier.

There will be a cop or two on guard at the station, but in places like this, the cops are lazy because nothing ever happens here. I’ll be in and out before they know what’s hit them.

I move swiftly and silently through the shadows toward my destination, knowing this station will be easy to break into.

Approaching a side door, I pull out my lock pick set and get to work. In less than a minute, I’ve got the simple lock open. I pull on my mask and slip inside, closing the door behind me and scanning the corridor. Just as I suspected, there’snot a soul in sight.

I creep through the corridors, peeking into rooms, looking for any clue that could lead me to the evidence locker. Jackpot. I spot a partially open door with a glow coming from within. Peering in, I see the evidence room, shelves lined with boxes, andone cop sitting at a desk doing paperwork.

Reaching into my pocket, I grip my switchblade. Time to get my bullet back. I slip into the room silently, coming up behind the cop. In one quick motion, I clamp my hand over his mouth and hold the blade to his throat.

“Don’t make a fucking sound pig. I’m here for something that belongs to me, and I’ll be out of your hair quick. But if you so much as fart too loud, I’ll slit your throat. Understand?”

The cop nods rapidly, eyes wide with fear. I keep the blade at his throat while quickly scanning the shelves. And there it is. My silver bullet is bagged and tagged in a small evidence box. I grab it and shove it in my pocket.

“Pleasure doing business with you, officer. Have a nice night.”

I knock him out cold with a blow to the head and slip back out into the hallway. Mission accomplished. I got my lucky bullet back, and no one’s the wiser. Now it’s time to get out of here before they realize I was ever here. I melt back into the shadows, heading for the carnival.

The moment my bullet is back in my possession, all I can think about is my angel. Deep down, I know I should head straight back to the carnival, but I’m not one for doing what I should do. Instead, my feet carry me toward Lily’s apartment. Just a quick detour to see how my angel is doing.

I make my way through the dark streets, the silver bullet safely in my pocket, my heart racing with anticipation of seeing her. The apartment building comes into view, and I look up, expecting to see the warm glow of lights in her windows. But the windows are black and cold.

A feeling of unease creeps over me as I approach the building. Something isn’t right. Lily doesn’t strike me as the kind of girl to head to the carnival two nights in a row, so why the fuck isn’t she home? I press one of the numbers on the intercom, where I know a stoner lives on the ground floor.

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