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As she neared the barn, Mac and Beth trotted over to greet her. She rubbed their ears but didn’t linger. She didn’t want to waste any time getting her man, but her steps slowed as she neared the chicken coop.

How is everyone? she asked the hens nesting in the shade under their house. The situation at the coop had been tense ever since Big Red had died last month. Three chickens vied for leadership. One was a bully, like Big Red, who loved nothing better than creating mischief and drama. One was an idealist, clucking about unlimited feed and removing the fence around the yard. And one was older and advocated for the status quo.

Hot, said the Australorp chicken with her dark feathers.

You’re smart to be in the shade then. It will cool off when the sun sets.

But once the fans are installed, we can stay inside, the Rhode Island Red said. Maggie didn’t know which chicken had spread that lie, but she didn’t correct her. Between the long, but profitable hours at The Goddess Bakes and spending as much time with Lucas as she could, she didn’t have time to mediate between feuding chickens.

The sun warmed her shoulders as she made her way across the barnyard. The air was heavy and still as she batted a fly away from her face. Maggie pulled the hair tie off her wrist and pulled her hair into a messy bun, not caring what it looked like. Despite the heat and her exhaustion, there was a spring in her step and a lightness in her heart.

The bees’ hum grew louder as she approached the honey house. It stored the extra frames, supers, smokers, miscellaneous tools, and extracting equipment. The bees flew away from the door when she raised her hand to knock. Barging in and startling Lucas could create a sticky mess.

“Who is it?”

“It’s your queen bee,” she said. The bees gasped and pointed their stingers toward her. I was joking. I’m sorry. It’s not worth dying for. Maggie sighed. Bees were dedicated, hard workers, but they had no sense of humor.

“Then that makes me your loyal drone,” Lucas said, opening the door to her. “I need to wash the uncapping planer, then I’ll be done.” Maggie followed him and settled on an old stool in a corner. The overpowering sweet smell clung to everything, including Lucas, as he leaned in for a kiss, tasting like honey and salt. She smacked her lips and wondered if she could duplicate the flavor. Maybe a caramel-studded cookie dusted with flaky sea salt? She’d ask her new assistant manager when she arrived.

“You’re sweaty,” she said, leaning away from him.

“I’m hot,” he corrected.

“Yes, you are.” She leered at him as he stripped off his damp shirt and tossed it by the door.

He laughed. “Let me wash up and then we can take a quick detour to the cottage so I can change into something clean.” Lucas scrubbed the tools and then splashed water on his chest and arms before dunking his head under the faucet.

Maggie enjoyed every minute of his show, even though watching was a poor substitute for touching. She handed him a clean towel from the bench and rolled her eyes when he stood with the towel wrapped around his head.

“You’re such a prima donna,” she teased as he picked up his sweaty shirt and opened the door for her. Maggie ran her hand down his back and arm, cataloging the number of bites she felt as they walked toward his cottage.

“There’s one on the other arm, too.” Lucas pulled her closer and dropped a kiss on her head. “Thank you.”


“Well, when I started extracting last week, I got thirty stings, and then you suggested a romantic moonlight stroll through the apiary. Today I only got four stings. I can’t help but think you said something to them when you paused at each hive.”

Maggie shrugged. “I may have,” she said as the cottage came into view.

“What did you say?” She should have seen the question coming. Lucas loved it when she communicated with the animals, especially George. She often needed to translate insults between her favorite human and her favorite furry beast.

“I don’t remember exactly, but it was something like that you come in peace. They need to trust you. You only want to help them, and it’s in their best interests to cooperate.”

“Brilliant advice. Bet you wish you’d gotten that lecture last year?” he teased, placing his hand on her waist as he opened the door to the cottage and ushered her through.

“I’m a little slow, but I’m getting there.” She stared at his large duffle bag and the dishes on the drying rack. She’d miss the cottage. Lucas, Cal, and Bash had re-rented the house they’d shared last year. It was closer to the stadium and to her, so she wouldn’t complain. “Speaking of getting there…” The words died on her tongue as Lucas stepped out of his jeans and kicked them aside. She took a hearty sip of her cocktail.

She couldn’t help but stare. His body had changed over the summer. He was still a mini-mountain, but he’d replaced some of his bulk with muscles from working on the farm and training with Cal. She worried the trainers would encourage him to gain weight to keep his position like they’d done last year. Maggie hoped they didn’t, Lucas liked his lighter frame, but he said they’d cross that bridge if they came to it.

“You keep staring at me like that and we’re going to be very late to the family dinner.” His deep voice threatened, tempting her to throw caution to the wind. But they couldn’t. Not when her entire family was within earshot, and none of them had ever met a boundary they wouldn’t cross. The last thing she needed was her dad or Cal walking in on them. She shoved her hands into her pockets.

“Just admiring your farmer’s tan.”

“Which is on my arms and you, Miss Buchanan, were not looking at my arms,” he said as he pulled on his long black shorts with the Tetons logo near the hem. “Can you hand me that screwdriver?” He pointed to the pink tool on the kitchen table. “I grabbed it from the kitchen this morning and if I don’t return it, Barbara will hunt me down.”

Nanna was very particular about her tools and didn’t appreciate it when they disappeared. “What were you going to tell me before you ogled me?” he asked as he draped his hair towel over the chair next to her. Maggie finger combed his dark wavy locks into place.

“That I reached out to my friend from the baking boot camp, and she’s starting next month as my assistant manager.”

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