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“No,” she said. Lucas looked at her expectantly. She didn’t need to explain herself or the story, but she felt like she owed him. She’d wrongfully blamed him for an act of fate, and she’d said some horrible things. Maggie wasn’t proud of her behavior. “I was saving up to buy a business. With the addition of the prize money, I would have finally had enough for the down payment and legal fees.”


“Without the money I’m years behind.” She shrugged.

“You might be behind, but you’re not out, Maggie. You’re still in the game. Until the business you want sells, you’re still playing. And even if they get another offer, you can start your own at another location.” Even through the ice cream tower, she felt his excitement. He thought she still had a chance.

“Oh, I wouldn’t want another location. It’s really this or nothing.”

“Then go after it!”

“Wow, you’ve picked something up from watching all those cheerleaders. Next thing you know, you’ll pull out your own set of pom-poms.” Maggie laughed, but he didn’t join in.

“I’m serious, Maggie. You can do this. Tell me about the business,” he said, leaning forward. Maggie gave him the basic information without naming names. Jack Brewster would hate it if the information leaked. Whenever they’d discussed Maggie buying the business, Jack always reminded her it was between them. No one else needed to know.

It sounds like Brewster’s , Lucas thought as he trailed his spoon through the ice cream soup at the bottom of the pan. Is Maggie the flake Jack referred to? The more Maggie talked, the worse Lucas felt. He should say something, but what? She wasn’t naming names, and his dad hadn’t given him an update when Lucas had asked him about it. And Jack darted away whenever he caught sight of Lucas. He didn’t have any facts and sharing his suspicions would only ruin a great first date.

“Is it a bakery?”

“Why?” she asked, with the spoon halfway to her mouth. She had a dab of chocolate sauce at the corner of her lips, and it took all of Lucas’s self-control not to wipe it off.

“Because you love to bake and you’re excellent at it. You and a bakery go together like frosting on cake, peanut butter and jelly, ice cream and hot fudge sauce.” He touched the corner of his mouth, hoping she’d take the hint and wipe the sauce from her tempting lips.

Maggie grabbed her napkin and wiped her mouth as pink tinged her cheeks. “I don’t think I’d be comfortable running a bakery. I’m stuffed. Are you ready to go?” She stood, not waiting for an answer.

Lucas shoveled in one more bite, puzzled by her sudden urge to leave, but he wasn’t going to question her. At least for now. He said goodnight to the girl behind the counter and rushed after Maggie, who was halfway down the block. “Hey, wait up.”

Miraculously, she stopped. He’d gone from puzzled to peeved, and he needed to know what he’d said to upset her. “Oh. Sorry. I thought you were right behind me,” she said, sounding slightly winded and guilty. He wound his fingers through hers to keep her from bolting again.

“You, Maggie Buchanan, are a terrible liar. Why’d you run?”

“I didn’t run.”

“Correction. Why are you walking away from me so quickly? What did I do wrong?”

“You didn’t do anything wrong.” Maggie resumed walking, dragging her human anchor behind her. It was slower than her run-away pace, but not a leisurely post ice cream stroll.

“Are you cold?” he asked. She’d given him his sweatshirt in Moo Please but the temperature had dropped significantly while they’d been inside. Fall had definitely arrived in Cascade City. A few more nights like this, and he’d need to ask Barbara if she wanted to wrap the hives against the cold weather or wait a few more weeks.

“A bit, but I’m almost home,” she admitted as they crossed the street to Marketplace.

“Do you have an early shift tomorrow?” he asked as she entered her security code.

“No,” she said, yanking open the door. “I can take it from here. You don’t need to see me up.” She can’t get rid of me fast enough, he thought. He moved from peeved to pissed as the sweet, sugary cream soured in his stomach.

“But I do. I always see my date to her door.” Maggie stumbled as she climbed the stairs, and Lucas grabbed her elbow to steady her. They walked side-by-side up the wide staircase. Lucas slid his hand from her elbow to her hand. He wasn’t a hand-holder, but with Maggie it felt right. Her slender fingers were cool against his.

Lucas admired the decorated doorways as they walked down the hallway, but Maggie’s eyes focused on the geometric pattern of the boring commercial carpet. He didn’t know where he’d gone wrong, but he knew he had. They’d been having a great time until he’d asked her if she was buying a bakery. It wasn’t like he’d asked her about politics or religion. It was a simple question and the more he thought about it, the more upset he got. Why wouldn’t she answer him?

“This is me.” She stopped in front of a door crisscrossed with black yarn and featuring a large, furry spider with bright purple eyes. “Thank you. I had a really nice time.”

“Did you?” he asked, and her eyes widened. He heard the quiet snick of the deadbolt as it released, but Maggie didn’t move, caught between him and the door. “Other than skill, do you know what makes the difference between a good and a great football team?”

“The one you’re on?” She sounded flirtatious. Like she wanted to salvage the evening, but he didn’t want the easy way out. Not with Maggie. Now that they were moving in the right direction, he didn’t want to waste time covering up issues.

“Communication.” At his answer, her lips formed an adorable O before she dropped her gaze. “Maggie, it wasn’t easy for me to admit I liked you, but I knew if I didn’t, I’d never get past your defenses. Tonight was the best date I’ve had in maybe forever, and I’d like to think we could have more, but not if I’m worried I’m going to step into something and ruin it like I did at Moo Please. Please, tell me where I went wrong.” He gently lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him.

“You didn’t go wrong. You just hit a nerve.”

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