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Emotional risk makes me horny.

Or maybe it was making an X-rated phone call in public.

Who knows. I’m barely able to walk in a straight line when I get out of my car at the end of the day. When I see Milo’s big truck waiting outside my building with the windows steamed up, I stop dead, a physical reaction of longing so strong that my feet are glued to the slushy sidewalk.

I need to give him a key. He must have been waiting there for ten or fifteen minutes if the condensation on the windshield is anything to go by.

Part of me wants to run over to the cab and hop up on the running board to press my lips to his, right there in public, my lover hidden from any prying eyes by tinted windows and blocked by my puffy jacket hood.

The other part wants to run straight upstairs so I can surprise him in nothing but a sexy pair of panties (I bought a second pair, still black, but they have little red bows on the hips).

What’ll get him hard faster? My deviant, horny brain is doing the decision-making.

I race up the stairs.

I LEAVE THE DOOR UNLOCKED as I take a lightning-quick shower, the kind where you scrub everything but leave your hair in a bun so you don’t get it wet. It’s three minutes of soap and scalding water—that I can’t wait to ruin. If I play my seduction cards right, I’m going to end up in need of another, longer shower.

“Libby? Libby, can I come in?”

I finish drying off and slide into the sheer panties, snapping the little red bows for luck that I won’t need. “I’m in here, handsome.” My voice is throaty and sexy—not normal for me, but I don’t care. Milo makes me want to take risks tonight.

Funny, I thought being in love would feel so suffocating. It’s the opposite.

“Want me to start dinner, or do you have something in mind?”

“I sure do. I thought we’d start with dessert.” I bang the bathroom door open and watch Milo have the best reaction ever.

His nostrils puff out. His tail yoinks out straight behind him. I can practically hear the “Boiiingg!” If this were a cartoon, his tongue would unroll like a New Year’s Eve noisemaker. With a thud, he drops the duffle bag he’s taken to bringing on the floor. “Libby. Whoa. Wow.” His voice is barely audible.

Nailed it.

“You said I was being naughty. I decided to prove you... right.” I sashay on my tiptoes over to him, breasts damp and feeling the chill of the apartment. I want to be snuggled into that warm, massive chest, wrapped in those strong arms—and impaled on that huge cock.

“I said you were being naughty because you made me cum all over the place without even touching me. You know I like to touch you.” Milo whispers, hands still at his sides. The kittens streak out of the carrier and go straight for their food bowls in the kitchen.

“I love when you touch me. Don’t you remember what I said?” I press against the thick fabric of his sweatshirt, loving the heat I instantly feel radiating from him.

“Remind me.” Milo bends his corded neck to kiss the top of my head.

“I said you’d better pump the next load into my pussy... and I gave very specific instructions.”

I can hear him swallow. “But—but I like when it’s not all about me.”

Aww. I love him more every time he opens his mouth, the big hairy marshmallow. “Baby, whenever you’re with me, I feel like I’m the most special girl in the world. And did you honestly think giving me those mind-melting orgasms is all about you?”

“Well. No.” He looks bashful, which makes my insides get all fluttery.

“Sit on the couch. I have plans.”

Chapter Fifty-Six: Milo

Libby has plans. Her plan is to get me buck naked, sit me down on a towel spread across her couch, and kneel in front of me. I wince a little. When she kneels directly between my legs, she practically disappears. That’s probably not ideal for her, right?

But you should never, ever underestimate a survivor like my Libby. She starts sucking on my crown while her hands cup my sack, pulling and kneading them until I’m groaning nonstop. My tail is tapping restlessly, and each swat connects with her milky white bottom in its wrapping of scanty black lace and little red ribbons.

Why does my girlfriend always make me think of fancy chocolates?

Is it because we met on Valentine’s Day?

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