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I whip a pillow out from under my head and bop him across the snout. “Little, my ass! There is nothing little about you. But I know it was new to you. I hope your first time was special.” God, if we stop seeing each other, I might have messed this guy up, and he doesn’t deserve that. I temporarily ignore the fact that the thought of any other woman being intimate with Milo makes me bring my teeth together.

“Every time with you is special. Just being around you is special.” Milo sits up with a groan. “I don't know what the hell you did to me, but that was amazing. I didn't even know some of those places had those kind of nerve endings. You are a sex goddess.”

I admit, I'm preening a little. Two nights ago, I was worried that Ricky would find my dating skills laughable and now I'm a card-carrying sex goddess.

“I don’t know about that. It has to be beginner's luck or instincts. Maybe sexual chemistry? Because I've never been with a minotaur,” I giggle. “I didn't know that you would react that way to me pulling on your tail. Or pulling on other things.” I blush, remembering the way I was milking and massaging his smooth, heavy balls in my hands and how I suddenly understood why guys want to bury their faces in a big pair of breasts and just go to town. It's like under all of this muscle and bulk, Milo has a secret pillowy part hidden between his legs— and in his heart.

The discussion has the expected effect. My hips are getting squirmy as I think about the way I made Milo groan and buck, and how fucking turned on I was watching that big cock react to my touch. Beside me, Milo's cock is rising to half-mast.

Hmm. Actually, at half-mast, it might just fit inside me. That thing really is a grower. Later on, maybe I’ll observe how he conceals all those inches.

“Can I borrow this?” I ask, hopping astride Milo. I work my way down, hips spread wide to straddle his waist. He gets the idea, and in moments, we are locked together again —sticky, messy, and not giving a single damn.

I wonder if this is what love is like?

But I'm smart enough to know that love doesn't work like this. Everything seems rosy when it's just the two of you sequestered from life and responsibilities on the most romantic weekend of the year. Tomorrow we face the real world.

That’s where love and trust go to die, I think with a sudden stab of misery in my gut. I bend my body to Milo’s and kiss him hard. “I don’t want this to end,” I whisper.

He grips me tightly, his big, strong body blocking out the fears reality creates.

For another day, I can make believe we’re going to make it... and hey. I’m with a “make-believe” creature. Hope surges past the fear. Maybe love isn’t just a myth, either.

Chapter Forty-Five: Milo

The sky is a cold blue-white, and the blizzard has finished. The roads are clear from last night’s plowing. No new flakes have tarnished the smooth black surface of the street outside Libby’s window.

I make breakfast again, using the last of Libby’s eggs. If I’m going to come over a lot, I need to bring groceries. I eat a lot more than she does.

“Should we bring Freddy and Felix with us today? They love playing in the workshop. It’s nice and warm in there once I get the forge going.”

“Sure.” Libby emerges from the shower in a towel. “Milo! It’s my turn to make you breakfast. Stop spoiling me.”

“Nope.” I turn away, not just to end the playful half-argument. I can’t look at her in a towel, dripping wet, without remembering what we’ve done in that shower, on the floor of that bathroom.

She’s going to love my shower. It’s so much bigger. I imagine pinning her to the wall while working her pussy slowly down my length, watching her take each inch. I doubt I’ll ever get all the way in, but I don’t care. Each time I seem to get in a little deeper, and Libby moans a little louder in pleasure.

I have to focus on these eggs before I go ravish her.

“Are you going to make a sword today?”

“I’m going to make you a dagger. I’m going to make the hilt with hearts and thorns. I have the design in my head, but I’ll sketch it out when we get there.”

“You draw, too?” Libby is back, wearing a tight black shirt— the kind they call “ribbed,” the kind that clings to every one of her petite curves. She’s also wearing jeans with a torn knee and faded, battered sneakers.

“Yeah. I draw. People say I’m observant.” That’s probably why I fell in love with her. I observed more than the average guy would notice, even from a distance. And right now, I can’t help but notice that Libby lives in a very frugal way. While I admire it, I also want to take care of her. It’s in my genetic code, okay? I must neutralize any threats to my partner, whether that’s a horny incubus or memories of childhood poverty.

“You okay, Milo?”

I finish stirring hot water in instant oatmeal packets. “I am. I just realized I’m eating you out of house and home.”

“Oh! Oh, I just haven't been to the store this week. Don’t worry about it.” Libby waves it away.

“Minotaurs eat a lot. Mainly fruits and vegetables, grains, and some non-meat proteins. Do you mind if I bring over some extra snacks?”

“You don’t have to. I’ll stock up on munchies for you. Have to keep you fueled up.” Libby kisses my cheek by jumping and swiping her lips past my furry face.

The independent streak... attractive, intimidating, and frustrating, all at once. If I swung her over my shoulder and carried her off to my “lair” and said “Live with me and let me provide for you,” Libby would be offended.

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