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“Thank God I don’t plan on doing any before and after comparisons. There’s just going to be Before Milo and With Milo.”

My heart aches to say “thank you.” Or “I love you.” I don’t understand how humans do these incredibly intimate things without love, but I also have been told I’m old-fashioned. Is there love in the moment? Love in the pleasure? “I love being with you. There’s no After Milo in my plans.”

I feel her relax around me, then tighten, faster and harder, with each squeeze. Her hand joins mine in the region of her pussy and I feel her frantic fingers rubbing her clit while I fill her from the inside.

And then... she bursts on me, with a harsh, guttural cry that a tiny little throat shouldn’t make. Wetness fills my palm and runs down my wrist.

I didn’t know human women ejaculated like males.

I feel like someone should have told me that. (I would have liked to watch, and now I wonder if she’ll ever let me have ringside seats. Maybe she’ll let me catch it in my mouth? I can tell from the scent how sweet and salty it is.)

“You made me squirt.” Libby sinks forward, off my fingers.

“That’s good, right?”

“It’s the holy grail of female orgasms. Never happened to me before.” She’s flushed, but now she looks shy, too. I can’t tell what is exertion and what’s blushing. “Maybe I just needed something the size of two cocks in me, plus a guy with a magic mouth.”

“I want to do it again. I want... I want to watch you when it happens. I didn’t know it was going to happen.” I might sound a little hurt, like I missed out on the treat, but that’s silly. I hug Libby closer, squishing her for a second. I have the best treat of all in my arms.

“Honey, I didn’t know it was going to happen, believe me!” Libby giggles. “But I bet it’ll happen again, especially when I try to take this.” She scoots off of me and I whine at the loss of her warmth against me.

She’s not going far. Just down between my thighs, to fondle my cock with her soft, dextrous hands.

She sits between my legs. I look down, watching her size us up. The base is at her knees where she kneels and the tip stops just below her breasts.

I hold my breath as her hands slide out, starting at my base, and working their way up. She embraces the whole length with both hands cupping and working together, slender little fingers gliding and flexing. I can feel each digit with its bare, living warmth, a sensation I’ve never experienced. Libby finishes her initial exploration and then pulls my cock close so that her breasts are pressed to it as well.

If I were being crude, I would say that I was getting a hand job and a boob job at the same time.

And then... Lighting flies down my spine and across my pelvis. Her mouth closes over the top of my tip and her soft tongue flicks around it, darting and swiping where I’m the most sensitive.

“Ohhh, God, I love you.”


“Mmm, I’m so glad.” Libby looks into my eyes and licks my shaft, moaning as she glides her lips against me, but not over me.

I’ve seen a few snippets of adult movies in my time. ( They’re not as much fun to watch when you think you’ll never have that kind of pleasure with someone else.) Even with my limited knowledge, I know this isn’t the way she’d make love with a human man, with a smaller partner who is more “appropriately” sized. But I don’t care. It feels like heaven to me.

Chapter Thirty-Six: Libby

Okay, it’s not a sexy thought, but it inspires me. Women give birth to babies. Babies are long. I remember this from pre-vet when we had to know all the average lengths and weights for different animals and we had a human newborn on the chart, too (for comparison, I guess).

The point is, maybe I can’t take all of Milo’s huge cock now, but over time, I bet we’ll have a sex life that looks close to normal... except one partner is massive, hairy, and has horns.

He’s sexy. And naughty. And innocent.

Ricky overwhelmed me in a way that made me feel as though a tidal wave of lust was pulling me out to sea and drowning me.

With Milo writhing under my touch, I feel sexy, but like myself... like the badass sexy self I never believed I’d get a chance to be.

But there’s something about squirting all over a big, rugged beast and hearing him whisper that he loves you that makes a girl feel safe and sexually empowered at the same time.

I don’t love him back, not the way Milo seems to love me, but I find myself loving the possibility that one day it’ll be mutual. Just like one day, I’ll be stuffed with his cock, even though right now I’m just getting familiar with the tip.

He’s shaped like a human, but his tip doesn’t taper as much as it domes. It’s also rigid inside, but soft and squishy on the outside. As I finish coating him with licks and kisses, I gently squeeze down on his crown like he’s a big sandwich I want to get in my mouth in one bite. Milo groans, but not in pain. I squeeze a little more, and he pants, gritting his teeth and snorting.

This is going to be worth it. When he’s compressed, I plunge my lips over the top of him and work my way down, until just the crown of his thickness is in my mouth.

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