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Milo gives me a deer-in-the-headlights look. Or maybe it should be bull? Never mind. “I do. Well, I want to. With the right human woman, mind you. She’d have to want to date me, too. Frankly, I’m a virgin. Dating virgin! Oh my God.” Milo buries his head in one massive palm. Freddy and Felix run up and perch on his head, one near either horn, little gray babies comforting their big, sweet, bashful daddy.

It’s. Fucking. Adorable.

My spine tingles in the naughtiest way possible. I could be his first. I could make it as wonderful as possible because he’s wonderful. The insults Ricky hurled at him smack back into my brain, and I wonder how in God’s name no one has snapped up this sweet, protective hunk with horns before? Especially in a town where this sort of thing isn’t a big deal!

“What about you? I’m guessing with being new in town and dating Ricky tonight that you don’t have a steady guy?”

“No. I’m picky. It’s hard for me to trust people. They really have to prove themselves—or seduce me with sexy demon vibes. That is what an incubus is, right? Part demon?”

“Yep. W-well. Erhm. Maybe you and I could go see a movie sometime? Or a concert?”

“I’d love that!” My hand drops to his knee. I don’t take it away.

He lets his fingers find mine. “Y-you don’t ever have to feel bad for me, or think you have to—”

“Shhh. That isn’t what I was thinking,” I inform him, moving closer. “My head is clear. Is yours?”

“No. I think I’m dreaming.”

I pinch him slowly, lots of soft pinches from his wrists to his shoulders. “Feel those?”

“Uh-huh. But why? If you don’t mind me being an ass, why would someone like you be interested in someone like me?”

That’s a good question. “We fit.” I shrug. “We both love cats, love this town, want to protect people, and have similar tastes. Plus, I think you’re cute.”

“I think you’re a goddess.”

“Even better.”

I scoot into his lap and kiss him, letting him tilt his thin lips to mine. It’s a sweet, delightful kiss that stokes the raging fire between my hips.

“You said we fit?”

“Mm. Yes.” I smile up at him.

He gives me a nervous smile. “I’m not sure we do—in one particular way.” He looks pointedly at my hips. “That might be a deal breaker for some women. I might not be able to... Well. It might be tricky.”

I look at Milo’s hands, draped across my waist lovingly.

His middle finger alone could make me happy.

And there’s some little sex-starved bad girl in me that pictures holding onto his horns and riding his face. His tongue must be three times the size of an average guy’s.

“I’ll be happy if we just go slow. No worries. No stress. We have all night—and maybe until they plow the roads.”

I slip from his grasp and pull him with me. “Help me get these kitties settled for the night.”

And then there’s another pussy I want to introduce him to.

Chapter Thirty-Three: Milo

This can’t be happening. For a moment it’s as if I am watching someone else’s life. Milo, the virgin, the monster who’ll never pass for human—is kissing a beautiful woman. The shy romantic who has music and metal for company is being wrapped in light, slender arms, bending his head to reach Libby’s lips.

This can’t be happening, but it is. “Libby,” I breathe out when she moves away.

“Come with me?”

I nod mutely. We’ve settled the kittens. They’ve found their wet food and litter box. They seem to know what Libby and I want. I wonder just how much Bog Cat DNA they have, and if Doc Peterson was wrong. The message the kittens erased that brought me here, the way both of us wanted to name one cat Felix...It’s more than a coincidence. Maybe there’s a little paw print of fate in the mix?

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