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Look for metal stuff. Find Milo. Talk kitties.

I look for a stall dealing in metalwork, but I am distracted by a pretty stall full of shiny glass and unique jewelry. Ooh, pentagram pendants. That would go good with that little black dress I bought—or any of my typical metalhead t-shirts and semi-destroyed jeans. Not that I think metal equals devils and evil. Nope. There’s even Christian metal that I like. Alice Cooper, man. He’s legit.

But they do make me look like someone you don’t want to mess with, and that’s always served me well.

“Excuse me, how much is—”

“Wait, I was—

My hand bumps into another person’s arm as we both reach for the rack of swaying pendants.


“Hey! Libby!” Ricky smiles at me, and instantly the world is forty degrees warmer. He gives me another panty-melting grin, and his fingers curl deftly around the suede cord that holds the silver charm. “Was this what you were after?”

“Um. Yeah. I thought it might look nice with the outfit I bought for Friday night.” Shit. Shit! I just told him I bought a new outfit for our date. Is that a faux pas? Do I seem desperate now?

Ricky doesn’t seem to mind.

“Ooh. Let’s see how it looks on you.”

Even though it's just a loop of leather with no clasp to undo, Ricky comes behind me, pressing himself close to the small of my back and lifting my hair out of the way to put the necklace on. His breath tickles just behind my ear. I didn’t even know that was a place that could make your pussy twitch, but guess what? It is.

“Are you into this stuff, baby?”

Did he call me baby? No. Probably Libby. It’s windy out here. “Oh, yeah. I love it.”

“Good to know. Leather and string are Libby’s thing, hmm?” His lips touch the shell of my ear, and I bite down a gasp. The moan stays inside me, dripping down as his hands push my hair gently back in place. Every touch makes me hungry.

I turn abruptly and I’m almost nose-to-nose with him. Hungry doesn’t even begin to cover the look he’s giving me. “W-wanna go get fudge?” I squeak. Yes, squeak, like a mouse that’s just spotted a hungry cat.

I have a feeling that if we played cat-and-mouse I’d end up on my back with my legs in the air, begging for more.

Ricky licks his lips, leans in, and kisses me.

Kisses me like I’ve never been kissed. So thoroughly that I feel like I can’t breathe. My chest literally hurts and I’m tingling all over.

“Hey!” A sharp yell breaks us apart.

“Ricky.” Mr. Minegold, the guy who showed me around here the other night, is beckoning to Ricky with a stern, “disappointed uncle” glare.

“Shit. Minegold.”

“What’s wrong with him?” I hiss as Ricky steps away.

“Nothing, he’s cool. He just prefers people keep their private lives more private.”

“I guess we were going a little heavy on the PDA.” I feel lightheaded, almost like I’d been running. Drained.

“There’s more where that came from. Just wait till Friday night, baby.” Ricky snatches a pretty green glass teardrop pendant off the rack and drops a twenty on the stall. “See you. Thanks for the snack.”

I laugh and wave as he walks off. Snack. My kiss? Or did he mean offering him fudge? I don’t know, and I can’t think straight. My insides are craving touch, intimate, deep, penetrating touch like I’ve never had in my life.

Fuck, Ricky knows how to make a girl horny, almost like it’s his job.

“Want the necklace?”

I look over and then look down. The lady selling the jewelry is short, even by my standards. She must be just over four feet tall. “Yes, please. That’ll be great.”

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