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“Ha. Well, I know he likes it when I stroke his tail.” I don’t have to tell her how much I like it when his tail strokes me.

“Sweetie, that’s just the basics! Yes, it’s nice to have another part of your lover to pleasure, but don’t forget that if it feels good when you stroke it, he’ll feel good if he gets to poke it! Yes, the tail can be a second dick or a third paw...” She licked her lips. “It’s nice to get creative on your own terms, isn’t it? And to have something warm and soft wrapped around you, loving you...” Avis sighed and shut her eyes. “Sorry. What were you saying?”

“That I agree. They’re great. But um... Is that common? Do they do that just for us since humans are smaller?”

Avis frowned. “I don’t think it has to do with the size difference. I think tail play is common in a lot of species. I mean, we don’t have tails, but if we did, and it felt good, why wouldn’t it become an erogenous zone?”

“Good point.”

“Since you bring up the bedroom, have you gotten to the point where you get to the good bumps?”

“The good bumps—on his cock?” Jade said slowly, trying to decode her friend’s words.

“Mmm, when Lewis swells inside of me and I’m just rooted to him for thirty minutes of cuddling-gasms—that’s what I call them—I think that’s the best part. If more human women knew that you could get half-hour orgasms while being held by fluffy, devoted lovers, don’t you think we could solve the Queen shortage for the Felix Orbus Galaxy?”

“Not everyone loves sex as much as you do.” Jade tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “And no. I’m not up to the ‘good bumps.’ Not yet. I don’t think I’m up to the super-mega toy lengths like I used to be.”

“Oh, sweetie, you don’t have to take the whole thing to get meshed together! Just the first inch of spines would be enough for it to kick in.”

Jade hummed and took a stalling bite of her muffin. If the spines started halfway down his impressively long cock, then she didn’t have to take an excessive number of inches.

If I want to take them at all.

“Do you ever have a hard time being with Lewis because the memories get in the way?” Jade blurted.

Avis put down the muffin she’d just picked up, the gleeful, gossipy smile fading off her face. “You were there for ten years, Jade. A legend.”


“No, I’m serious. You know most girls don’t make it past the first year. And the fact that they kept taking your contract... you never freaked out on a client, you never complained... I was honestly surprised when you said you’d take other work.”

Jade put the muffin down and started idly crumbling it on her plate, eyes seeing moments from the past, not the present. “I never freaked out because I just shut down. Shut off. Went through the motions. I knew how to moan and scream, while inside I was completely ice cold and waiting for it to be over.”

“Why stay so long?”

“Because on Sapien-Three, when you have no education, no family, no money, and no one else will hire you but Metro Labs—who tells you that you’ll instantly be put in the sexually transmitted diseases protocol—then you stay with the hell you know. The girls who leave probably have friends they could crash with or sugar daddies. I didn’t have that. I never had that.”

“You never said anything to anyone.” Avis reached for her hand, but Jade deftly pulled away just in time, making it look natural as she rested her hands in her lap, leaving the shredded muffin behind.

“I didn’t know who I could trust. When I first got there, I was just one of the window girls—and I told another girl a few little things, just a few little ordinary things that anyone might complain about with a work colleague. The door to my platform was sticking. The vent was blowing freezing air on me to make my nipples permanently “perky” and so that I would keep moving to put on a good show. That I wasn’t getting my breaks. I didn’t know one of the managers was dating her. He was keeping her on the window work so no other men would actually touch her, just look at her. Pretty soon after I got relaxed enough to tell her those little, innocent troubles, that same manager told me I was too boring and my face wasn’t fresh anymore. I got taken out of the window and put with clients way before I was ready. It was either that or have my contract broken and find a new job with no notice.”

“That’s always how they kept me, too. No contract also meant no housing,” Avis sighed. “But I wasn’t there as long as you. I was still having fun—sometimes.”

“You have a bubbly personality. Vivacious redhead, charming redhead, funny... I was cold. Stiff. I couldn’t do the media work where the guys would cam in. They didn’t like me.” Jade swallowed. “I was desperate to leave when I did because I got told that next year they wanted to slash my list of non-negotiables in half because I wasn’t earning enough in the regular sectors anymore. Uhm.” Jade swallowed a thick wad of fear in her throat, suddenly realizing what she’d said out loud—and how she finally felt safe enough to do it. The fear that one of her old colleagues was somehow going to betray her or tattle on her and in some way make her situation worse had left at last. “Sorry to dump all of that.”

“God, no, honey! You should have dumped that a long time ago. You’re right, I was mostly a party girl in the big club rooms, dancing, drinking, making sure I got my computer scanned whenever I took a client back to my room...” Avis shrugged. “I still started to hate it. Felt empty and eaten away inside.”


“You need to talk to someone. A good therapist.”

“No! No. I don’t want to relive it. I’m not ready to talk about it.” Jade half-rose from her seat, but Avis rose, too, coming to sit beside her.

“Shh, okay. Okay. But you can talk to me. Or any of us who were there. We got you, Jade.”

“Thanks.” Hollow offer, now that I’m leaving.

On the other hand, if I’d ever talked to anyone for more than ten minutes at some stupid social function, maybe I would have gotten this offer a long time ago.

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