Page 6 of Come to Bed

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Oliver watched her on them every evening as she went to sleep. That was if he couldn’t make it to her house. Which he did most nights. He had a key, so he was basically invited inside. She just didn’t know about his nightly visits. Yet.

Oliver discerned she was slowly gaining a romantic interest in him. Over the years he went from her protector to her best friend and now it was time for the next step.

He called Maddox as he fisted his cock, checking to ensure his door was still fully shut. “News?”

“Target has arrived home. Friend might be a problem. Touched base with Milo for an update on the other situation.”

Oliver cursed under his breath as he stroked his length up and down. Her smell still saturated his office. Honeysuckles. That’s the closest way he could describe it. It intoxicated him more than any drink could, and he desperately wanted a taste.

He didn’t disconnect the call as he opened his computer screen, flipped to her camera feed, and watched her undress. He continued his frantic stroke up and down his dick. The tension began to coil tightly.

“Two weeks until our trip. It’s time.”

Maddox grunted. “You sure she’s ready?”

Oliver’s face twisted into a dark shape reminiscent of a grin. He watched on his monitor as Isobel began her own ministrations. He yanked his dick hard as she lathered lube and pushed her double-sided dildo deep into her body.

“Yes,” he confirmed, ending the call.

He continued to watch through the screen as she rubbed furious circles on her clit while she pushed her toy in and out of her pliable body. The toy she thought she had drunkenly bought. The one he had actually purchased for her. Did her subconscious know to prepare her for what was to come? Oliver’s grip on his dick tightened, until it was just on the edge of pain, as he continued his furious strokes. Her build up was clear even through the screen and her pumps increased as his did.

He lifted off of the seat, pushing into his hand, and came with a grunt as her mouth opened in ecstasy.

His patience had just run out.

Even if she wasn’t, he would make her ready.

Chapter four


Ispent the next two weeks pointedly ignoring the world. I wasn’t exactly hurt by Harry, but man was it embarrassing. Especially the family dinner I was supposed to attend. Hard pass on that. And he still denied it? How could he lie when I literally caught him on camera? Men.

After I captured the video of his infidelity, I made him meet me in a neutral location—a café—and I showed him the evidence. He had the audacity to say I made it with AI. That it was my fault he was with my step-sister now, that I pushed him to her when I spewed my accusations. Needless to say, that was the end of just another pointless relationship with a horribly immature, vanilla man.

My step-sister and I had never been close, but now I did my best to prevent any possible interactions.

I was a bit annoyed, though. Usually, I would be venting all of this to Oliver, but it almost felt as if he was avoiding me. What gave?

I voiced these exact concerns to Yara on the phone as I opened my bag to pack for our trip.

“He’s probably just giving you space. You know, girl time and what have you.” That did sound almost convincing.

“I guess…” I still didn’t fully believe it. Oliver always stayed by my side for every fucked man and break up over the years. It was odd he was keeping his distance now, but I chalked it up to our impending trip.

She paused, almost as if she was unsure if she should continue, it was very uncharacteristic of Yara. “And truthfully? Isn’t Oliver a little bit too involved in your life? He even freaking tracks your phone!”

I didn’t want to rehash this argument. She always said there was something off with how close Oliver and I were. In all honesty, I think she might have simply been jealous that he and I spent so much time together while she lived on the other side of the country.

Humming, I walked into my bathroom gathering what I would need for my trip. I opted to change the topic entirely. “Are you there yet?”

Our high school resided in good ol’ sunny Florida. While Oliver graduated three years my senior, I would be bringing him as my plus one to our ten-year reunion. I was still dreading it, but I could acknowledge the potential for expanding our company.

Our profit was just teetering on the cusp of me never needing to work another day again, and I could one hundred percent support that. I preferred to delegate, if at all possible.

“Not yet,” Yara stated casually, accepting the shift and my obvious disagreement with her opinions on Oliver.

“I am excited about one thing though.” I redirected the conversation again as I organized my toiletries bag. “Sooo, you find someone for me?”

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