Page 43 of Bound By Watchers

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He’d come for Daliah.

For the first time since dealing with these idiots throughout millethium, unadulterated fear grossly overwhelmed my rage and pride. Too many Sky Watchers to count pounced on me, pulling at my arms and legs. They rushed me all at once, trying to slow me down. Kiranon floated over with the same dagger he’d sent to Daliah moments ago.

“It’s time to end this. You’re long overdue for a shave, dog.”

Sky Watchers reached for my locs. Kiranon lifted the dagger.


Hearing Daliah’s terrified screams in the growing distance broke something in me. When Kiranon struck with the dagger to cut my hair, I let out a thunderous roar. Ethèr erupted in my veins, my strength tripling. My wells had fully replenished. I used it to my advantage, summoning every ounce of my might. I kicked and yanked back my arms, then punched Kiranon with enough power to send him flying through my chamber wall. Uncontrollable wrath consumed me.

Then I tumbled into a bottomless black.

When I finally stopped, the tower was filled with bodies, all my Vèrtu hiding in the shadows. From Daliah and I’s bedchambers, to the halls of our suite, to the corridors of our tower, bodies piled high. As I searched through the faces, none belonged to Kiranon or his siblings.

Panic-stricken, adrenaline pumping, I burst through the doors of the tower and into the clouds. The dusk was thick. An amber glow settled over Urien. My wings pounded to the beat of my hearts as I raced after Daliah’s screams. I didn’t know what the Sky Watchers were doing to her, but it scared me. I would never forgive myself if I didn’t save her from the tyranny of the angels. They’d beaten me at my weakest and chained me here. What would they be willing to do to her?

I raced after Daliah with all the strength I could muster.

Until my power suddenly waned. Ethèr pulsed thrice in my veins before I felt a strong, invisible pull yanking me back to the tower.

No, no, no.

Up ahead, I made out the shapes of the Sky Watchers. They pulled Daliah along like chattel. Small red droplets of her blood trailed the cloudy ground. My vision grew spotty. I wanted to scream. They were hurting her badly and leaving behind proof on purpose. I surged ahead, but my ethèr snapped like a whip, yanking me back like some ox.

“Non ei!”

From this distance, I looked at Daliah, who’d just lifted her eyes to mine. The silver had darkened. In this short time, the angels had already brutalized her. She called my name, her voice hoarse, with tears streaming down her face. Dèravhen looked down at her with a crooked smile, clubbed her in the back of the head, and threw her carelessly in a chariot.


I watched as they took her from me while I was simultaneously dragged back to the tower, my strength waning. A haze seeped into my mind, diluting my power. I was rendered powerless as the Sky Watchers took Daliah from me, descending the Sky Ladder with cocky grins of triumph.

“Non ei,” I whimpered.

Pulled through the doors of the tower, I barely caught when the Sky Ladder detached, disappearing into the clouds. Again, I was abandoned to complete isolation within the tower.

Back inside, the invisible cords of ethèr released me. The foyer was full of Vèrtu watching me with crestfallen expressions. Filled with sorrow, brooding from fresh defeat, all I could do was fall to my knees.

“DALIAH,” I wailed, punching the marbled floor. I sobbed in anguish. I had all of this strength and still failed to protect the one thing I cared about.

I raged, beating my knuckles on the floor. I was so angry. So broken. Wounded beyond repair. Then a thought struck me.

Without hesitation, I was in the air floating down halls I’d avoided for a long time. I navigated the darkened corridors of the tower, making my way to the place I had abandoned long ago because I’d presumed the God of the tower had abandoned me. Urged by sorrow interwoven with love, I flew through the doors of the Sanctum.

I floated between abandoned pews designed like fiery chariots, with golden cloudchairs seated between them, until I reached the altar. A pulpit of glass remained perched at the center, and a fresh fire burned atop the glass. In front of the pulpit, I tumbled at the altar, my tears already soaking the rugs beneath. A powerful gust of wind blasted through the Sanctum. A holy chill crawled up my spine. Massive flames burst atop the pulpit. An ethereal power slid into the empty chapel.

It was time to confess my faults.

I was ready to tell the full truth and beg forgiveness. Maybe then I could be free of this tower and rescue the faeretheth that came to steal my secrets and instead made off with my hearts.


Lost in an abyss of darkness, I groaned at the icy chill numbing my limbs. A cacophony pierced my eardrums, jerking me awake. A throbbing ache pulsed down the column of my arm as drums beat at my temples. I reluctantly peeled my eyes open. I didn’t have a clue where I was.

“The pretty wench awakes.”

Laughter ensued, bowing my shoulders with shame. I peeked around myself through the strands of my limp hair.

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