Page 95 of Twisted Princess

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“If you don’t mind, that would be amazing,” Mel says, her shoulders sagging as the tension finally eases from her body.

“Of course,” Silvia says.

Then Mel turns to me, her onyx gaze turning to steel in an instant. “I’ll come by first thing in the morning to collect our things,” she assures me.

An uncomfortable silence settles over the room.

It’s a less-than-subtle sign that Mel wants me to leave.

But more than that, it rings with a sense of finality that crushes me completely.

She’s telling me in so many words that she’s made her decision.

She’s closing the door on our relationship. Our marriage.

She doesn’t want me in her life—or Gabby’s.

“Sure,” I rasp, my throat suddenly parched to the point of feeling raw. “Let me know if you need me to pick you up.”

Ice lingers in the air between us.

The look of stunned confusion that passes between Silvia and Pyotr tells me they’re as blindsided by this outcome as I am.

With a slight bow to Mel and a nod to my pakhan and his wife, I take the hint.

It’s time for me to go.

“Good night,” I say.

Then I turn and stalk out the door.



“I’ll show you to your bedroom,” Silvia offers gently, and I drag my eyes away from the front door Gleb just closed behind him.

“Thanks.” I give a tired smile, exhaustion seeping into my very bones. I feel emotionally wrung dry—like I could sleep for days, and it still might not be enough.

I turn my head to include Pyotr in my next statement. “Thank you both so much for everything… for Gabby.” I shake my head, overwhelmed by my appreciation for the couple that has saved me in so many ways. “I can’t tell you how much it means that you would look after her while… I was gone.”

“Of course,” Pyotr says with a soft smile.

Silvia gives my hand an affectionate squeeze, and I follow her. My wedding dress whispers along the floor as I walk, and I pause momentarily to remove my heels, so I won’t wake the girls as I pass their room.

My footsteps slow as we near Isla’s door. And though I know Gabby’s sleeping, I yearn to check on her with every fiber of my being.

Silvia stops, recognizing my hesitation, and her smile is kind and knowing. “I can wait,” she murmurs, and gratitude swells in my chest.

Quietly as I can, I open the door and slip inside. The rustle of my dress’s fabric sounds painfully loud in the still, dark room. But thankfully, Gabby’s bed is tucked against the wall nearest the door, so I only have to take a few steps to get to her.

She’s sleeping soundly, her thumb in her mouth as she curls into a ball on her side. She looks perfectly at peace, trusting her caretakers with such openheartedness, it makes me want to cry.

Tears sting my eyes as I kneel beside her, and I gently caress her round cheek with the backs of my knuckles. Gabby gives a soft hum, snuggling deeper against her pillow. I came so close to losing her forever. And regardless of what stands between me and Gleb, I will always be deeply grateful to him for bringing me back to my daughter.

“I love you, keiki,” I murmur quietly so I won’t wake her. Then I lean in close to give her a honi, pressing my forehead and nose to hers and inhaling deeply. My lips brush her tiny hand, and I kiss it. Filled with so much love and gratitude, I can scarcely breathe.

Rising from my crouch, I tiptoe back out of the room. And my eyes meet Silvia’s as I drag the train of my dress out with me and close the door.

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