Page 41 of Twisted Princess

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Before I even have time to think it, Gleb wrenches open the door.

“Will you f?—”

Gabby and I scream together as a powerful fist slams into Gleb’s face, making him stumble backward into the room. I’ve never seen him get caught off guard like that. And my stomach drops as I wonder if it’s because he was too focused on our fight.

He quickly regains his balance, getting his feet back underneath him and bringing his fists up into a defensive position just in time. Because the man who steps across the threshold is on him in an instant.

It’s not Lev. Or Denka.

My heart hammers against my ribs as I take a step back. Holding Gabby firmly against me, I watch in horror as Gleb engages with a man who must have fifty pounds of solid muscle on him.

I know him. I recognize this man both from the club where I worked in Boston—and from the car chase that put me into a three-day coma. Miko.

Gleb told me he shot some innocent old man who stopped to try and help after we crashed.

I know little else about him except that he’s scary as fuck. Even the girls at Pearl’s avoid him. And now I can see why.

He’s fast. And strong. And merciless.

Leaving Gleb no time to reach for the knives I know he keeps somewhere in this apartment, Miko drives forward with his fists. Gleb keeps his arms up, blocking them and dodging at an impressive pace, but he’s at a disadvantage, having been thrown off balance from the start. And now he looks like he’s dangerously close to getting backed into a corner.

“Mel, get to the bedroom,” he growls.

Right. Protect Gabby. That’s my first priority.

And when Gleb shifts the balance, landing a blow to Miko’s nose that sends the larger man reeling, I take advantage of the moment. Cradling Gabby’s head against my body, I sprint across the open space, keeping the couch between me and Miko.

But the massive Russian hardly seems to care where I’m going. He’s laser-focused on his opponent, and my stomach plummets as I realize just how bad Gleb’s situation is. He’s had no time at all to recover from the stitches I had to put in him just last night.

He has no weapon.

He’s fighting alone.

And he can’t just run because he’s trying to protect me and Gabby.

Hand shaking violently, I wrench open the guest room door and drop to my knees. “Gabby, baby, I need you to hide under the bed,” I whisper. “I want you to stay there until I tell you it’s safe to come out.”

Sobbing softly, Gabby doesn’t let go of me right away, and it rips my heart out to let go of her. But I have to do something to help Gleb.

“Come on, keiki. It’ll be okay. You’ll be okay. I promise.”

I gently pry her arms from around my neck. And as she straightens, standing on her own two feet, she nods solemnly, looking utterly terrified as tears and snot run down her lip. I quickly wipe them away and scoot her to the bed, helping her hide as far back as she can.

“I love you, keiki,” I assure her as I lie on my stomach to see her to safety.

Then I scramble to my feet and dash back out of the room. Closing the door quietly behind me, I dare to steal a peek toward the living room.

My heart stops.

Miko has one massive arm wrapped around the back of Gleb’s neck, while his free fist hammers Gleb’s ribs. Right on his stitches. I can tell from the blood seeping through his shirt that the sutures have burst.

Oh god, please don’t die on me, Gleb.

It takes all my willpower to wrench my eyes from the awful sight. But standing frozen in the hallway won’t help anyone. So, instead, I turn and sprint toward Gleb’s bedroom.

My bruised feet pound against the hardwood, echoing the sound of my hammering heart, and I grip the door frame to slingshot myself around the corner into his room.

Hip-slamming the corner of the dresser in my haste, I stumble. But that hardly slows me down as I frantically yank drawers open two at a time and start to dig through his clothes.

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