Page 18 of Twisted Princess

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So, when he gestures for me to lead the way toward the Veles family’s garage, I don’t argue. Mumbling another word of gratitude to Silvia, I carry Gabby past her and out the back door.

We pick the Escalade that has two car seats already strapped inside. After I buckle Gabby in, I climb into the passenger seat. Tension roils from Gleb as he pulls out of the drive and turns toward Harlem.

Holding his phone to his ear, one hand on the steering wheel, he speaks to someone in Russian. His voice is flat and commanding, yet still alluring somehow, even though he sounds livid beneath his steady calm.

After he hangs up, the car goes silent. I scarcely dare to breathe as I watch Gleb out of the corner of my eye, wishing he would say something. Instead, he stews wordlessly, his jaw set and his gaze laser-focused on the traffic ahead that’s nearly at a standstill.

I know I should have told him where I was going. But he might have told me not to go. Better to ask forgiveness than permission, right? Currently, it doesn’t feel like I made the right choice.

Between my scare in the subway and Gleb’s anger, all the excitement from the day has dissipated. My success feels like an inconvenience—a selfish act that’s only caused trouble and stress for the people around me.

But wasn’t it Gleb who encouraged me to get back out there just yesterday? He’s the one who suggested I speak to some agents. Hell, he took me to do so.

And yet, he didn’t even bat an eye when he heard I landed a gig. It hurts that he seems more irritated about me not listening to him than anything else. My walls of defense come up as I feel his frustration radiating into the car, reminding me of how much I owe him—how I should be grateful and obedient, not causing more problems for him.

Confusion seeps through me as I try to rationalize my response. I shouldn’t have snapped at him at the house. It’s unfair of me. I know he’s extended himself far beyond reason to help me and Gabby.

But how can he offer up the hope of finally getting to pursue my career and then expect me to simply sit passively and watch my opportunity slip away? The more I think about it, the more stubbornly I believe I made the right choice. This is what I want, and a modeling career won’t just be handed to me. I have to be willing to take it.

If I need to, I can use a car and avoid public transportation so I can get back and forth to work more safely. The Kelly men wouldn’t dare do anything so blatant as to kidnap me straight off the production set. So Gleb needs to chill.

We can make this work. And if he disagrees, I can make this work. I just need to figure out what to do with Gabby while I’m working. Maybe Silvia would be willing to help me out for one more day.

The rest of our long, torturous drive home is spent in utter silence.

An hour later, we finally step through the front door of Gleb’s condo.

I release the breath that feels like I’ve been holding since we left Silvia’s. I need to make Gabby dinner, so I head toward the kitchen with her still on my hip. “I’m expected back at the modeling agency again tomorrow, and I intend to go,” I say coolly. And I square my shoulders to metaphorically stand my ground against the backlash I’m sure to get. I keep my eyes forward to show it’s not up for discussion, leaving Gleb behind in the entry.

In the kitchen, I set Gabby on her feet and open the fridge to start pulling out ingredients.

Gleb enters the room behind me, and I can feel him come to a stop at the edge of the counter. “You’re not allowed out of the house anymore until I’ve dealt with the Kellys,” he states authoritatively, as if his decision’s final. As if he gets the last word.

Closing the fridge with more force than necessary, I turn to argue. “You can’t?—”

“This is for your daughter’s safety and to protect the Veles family, who you shouldn’t be putting your career ahead of,” he chastises coldly, cutting me off as his intense gaze holds me captive. “You owe them that much. Besides, your modeling has waited this long. It can handle a few more weeks until things cool down. You can call and make your excuses to the agency. Hopefully, someone will give you another chance once your life and Gabby’s safety isn’t on the line.”

I flinch at the low blow, and though I know it’s childish, when he makes a good point, I can’t help myself. “Do you intend to keep your distance from the Veles until the hit on you is removed, then?” I challenge. Because as much as Gleb wants to accuse me of putting everyone at risk, I doubt he’s considered himself a vulnerability.

“Yes,” he says matter-of-factly.

That sets me back on my heels. My lips part, ready to make my case with the ammo I expected him to give me. But no sound comes out.

“I’m not letting you out of my sight unnecessarily, and dragging Pyotr into a second war won’t help our Bratva at all, so I’ll be here until I’ve sorted out Vincent Kelly and his ridiculous adult temper tantrum.”

Shocked by how definitively Gleb has decided to put his life on hold for me, I feel the wind leave my sails. If he’s willing to keep his distance from the Veles family, he must truly think Vinny is capable of going after them to make a point.

And the last thing I want is to be responsible for causing Silvia or her family pain.

They’ve been nothing but good to me.

They saved me.

I do owe them. I owe them everything, really, and if space will keep them safe, it’s the least I can do.

“Okay,” I murmur, my heart sinking as I feel my momentary sense of hope slipping away. “I’ll call Mr. Hunter.”

Gleb’s shoulders relax ever so slightly, his eyes softening as the fight leaves me. And though his face is as passively gorgeous as always, I can tell he’s sympathetic to the disappointment my concession brings.

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