Page 11 of Twisted Princess

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Akim smirks, his body language falling into a casual stance as he crosses his thick arms over his bulky chest. I know he thinks his size will give him an advantage over me. That’s why he’s so cocky. But it’s been a long time since we’ve sparred, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that his strength would prove wonderfully inadequate against my speed.

“You think you’re so smart,” he quips, his lips curling into a grin. “But your attempt to keep her will only get you killed. After all, a widow can always remarry, and the man she jilted is the jealous type. He doesn’t like when people take his toys.”

Though I keep my expression deadpan, white-hot rage roils inside me. “Mel is not a toy,” I state flatly, my tone low and deadly. “You can tell Vincent Kelly that. And unless you intend to kill me right here and now, I suggest you go running back to your master before I send you back to him in a box. Because I assure you that if you so much as look at Mel in a way I don’t like, I won’t hesitate to end you both.”

Edik snorts skeptically, but I can see in Akim’s eyes that he’s considering how seriously he should take me. No doubt, he heard what happened when I faced off against Harper and Hans, along with Fedor and Aundrey, the night I came to Pearl’s. I’m confident one of my brothers I fought that night lost an eye.

After a tense pause, Akim seems to decide the wiser choice is to deliver my message and await further orders. He drops his arms, rolling his shoulders as if to release the tension there. “I’ll tell Vinny what you said, but I doubt this is the last you’ll see of us.”

“’Til next time, then,” I say coldly, refusing to relax until I’m sure they’re gone.

Edik’s lips part, his eyes flashing disbelievingly to Akim, but the objection doesn’t get past his lips. Instead, Akim cuffs him on the side of the head and shoves him in the direction they came from.

I watch them go, waiting until they disappear into the distance. Then I turn and head back toward Mel and my men.

“That took longer than I anticipated,” Mel observes as I stop in front of her.

Gabby’s head is tucked against the curve of her neck, her thumb trapped between her lips as she observes me silently.

“What did you talk about?” Mel presses when I don’t respond.

I shrug, and the motion releases the last of my pent-up tension. “Just your fiancé’s last-ditch effort to take you back. After he hears you’re married, I’m sure he’ll lose interest.”

Mel nods, the relief washing across her face and taking years off of it in an instant—not that she looked a day over twenty to start.

“Still, it’s best we stay on high alert,” I qualify because I don’t doubt that Vinny’s capable of sending men to get revenge. And if they come for me, that could put Mel in further danger. “Until we’re confident he’s gone for good, I don’t want you going anywhere without telling me first—and I would prefer to escort you.”

The subtle slump in her shoulders confirms the reluctance I expected from her. But for once, she doesn’t argue.



My phone vibrates against Gleb’s glass coffee table, and my heart skips a beat at the unknown number that flashes across the screen. It’s ten in the morning, and Gleb has already left for work, so it’s just Gabby and me alone in the condo until he gets home. But who knows when that will be. Yesterday, after he took me to my list of modeling agencies, his “half day” of work didn’t end until well past eleven p.m.

I wonder if I should answer the call. It could be risky if it’s tied to Vinny or Pearl’s somehow. But it could also be one of the agencies I approached—even if that feels like a pipedream right about now. Stealing my nerves, I snatch up my phone and answer.


“Ms. O’Mara? This is Kevin Hunter, over at Impress Magazine. How are you this morning?”

“Hi—Mr. Hunter,” I gasp, tripping over my words as my head spins. “I’m well. How are you?”

“Well, I would be a lot better if you would tell me you’re available to stand in for the day. I had a model call out due to a car accident, and if I can’t find a good replacement, we’ll be dead in the water.”

Shit, shit, shit, this can’t be happening! No one gets this kind of lucky break, but I promised Gleb I would stay put unless he can accompany me, at least until things calm down with Vinny.

But if I don’t take this opportunity, I might never get one again.

Heart hammering, my mind races to come up with an adequate response.

“Are you kidding? That sounds amazing. But, um… how soon do you need me?”

My eyes flit to Gabby, who’s quietly coloring in a crayon book that’s open on the coffee table. Her feet are tucked under her as she sits on the floor, her head cocked adorably as she views her artwork sideways.

“The photo shoot is supposed to start in an hour. If you can make it here by noon, I can postpone that long.”

I can make this work. I have to make this work. I’ll never forgive myself if I skip out on my golden opportunity. And hopefully, Gleb will forgive me for risking it this one time. I know he’ll be mad at me for going out alone, but I just don’t have the time to wait for an escort.

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