Page 11 of Biker's Hostage

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“Shit!” I exclaimed. The phone slid out of my hand, landing on the floor with a crash. He spun around to face me, his eyes narrowing.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he snarled. I took a step back from him, eyes wide.

“I— I— I was—” I stuttered. He glanced down and saw his phone on the floor between us. Stooping down slowly, he picked it up, staring down at it for a moment, and then slowly lifted his gaze to meet mine. There was anger there, sure, but hurt, too.

“Were you trying to take this from me?”

“No, no, it wasn’t like that...”

He took a step toward me, closing the distance between us.

“Then what were you doing?” he asked. His voice was almost calm, eerily so. I could feel terror in my system, pulsing through every part of me, but being the center of his attention like this, it was lighting up a part of me that I didn’t need right now, a part of me that I should have known better than to allow right now...

“Nothing,” I blurted out. I knew he didn’t believe me. Why would he? He knew what I was doing.

“Because it looked like you were trying to take my phone,” he continued, moving closer to me still. He was glaring down at me, not breaking my gaze for an instant. I felt as though I might turn to ice under his sharp blue stare, like I was rooted to the spot.

“And what were you planning to do with it when you got it?”

I shook my head.

“Nothing, I just...”

“Were you going to call for the Dogs?” he asked me softly. He sounded almost... hurt, like he hadn’t expected me to pull that on him. How could it have come as a shock? He was holding me here against my will, after all.

“Yes,” I muttered. No point in lying to him. I cursed myself for trying this, cursed myself for being that stupid. I should have known better. Should have stopped myself...

“I didn’t take you for that kind of girl,” he remarked, and he lifted his hand, touching his finger to my chin to tilt my face up to look into his eyes. I swear, it felt like all the air was knocked from my lungs the moment I felt him touch me. Was this his way of trying to show me that he was in control here? Or was... was there something more to it?

“What kind of girl?” I asked. My voice sounded wispy escaping my lips, and I hated how obvious it must have been to him what was going on right now.

“You were flirting with me so hard the other day,” he continued, dipping his head to one side slightly. “I didn’t think you had any intention of going anywhere.”

Those words hung between us, his finger beneath my chin. He must have been able to feel my pulse beating beneath my skin, and I didn’t know if that was a good thing or not. I was a rabbit, caught in a trap, staring back at the wolf, not wanting to run. Wanting him to bite me...

And before I could think better of it, I leaned up and planted my lips against his.

Chapter Eight – Zane

As soon as our mouths met, whatever defenses I had been putting up to deny my want for her fell away in an instant.

I grabbed her waist, pulling her into me roughly, and pushed my tongue into her mouth. I could feel her moaning against me, but I could hardly take it in, the rush of sheer arousal pushing everything else out of my brain. I couldn’t care about a damn thing. I just wanted her.

Our mouths didn’t break for an instant as I pushed her back on to the bed, moving on top of her, pushing my knee between her thighs to part them easily, feeling her push back against me and grinding herself into me like this was what she had been waiting for all along.

I could already feel my cock starting to swell in my pants, all that want I had been trying to shove down inside of me starting to get the better of me. But this time, I didn’t have to sneak off to the shower and stroke myself to the thought of her. No, she was underneath me, kissing me, her hands on my shoulders, nails digging into my skin through the fabric of my shirt, just like I had imagined.

I moved my mouth down to her neck, and she let out a deep, needy groan. I could feel it vibrating through her whole body, like it was responding to me from some place deep down inside of her.

Sliding my hands down, I grabbed her jeans and pushed them off, tossing them aside, then grabbed her panties and ripped them off. She gasped, and I kissed her again, loving the feel of her tongue in my mouth, her teeth catching on my lip. I knew if I stopped for even a moment, I was going to think better of this, but here, now? Now, all I wanted was the feel of her beneath me, giving in to me, like she couldn’t do anything else.

I should have been punishing her for trying to steal for me. Shit, I didn’t even know what her intentions would have been if she had gotten her hands on that phone—call in the Dogs, have them rip me apart, limb by limb?

Right now, none of that mattered. All that I cared about was the way she was touching me, lifting her hips to press herself into me. She must have been able to feel how hard I was for her already. No matter what I tried to hold back, I couldn’t hide my desire for her.

But I needed her to say it. The circumstances made this murky, and there was no way I was going to do anything I wasn’t totally sure of. I moved a hand between her legs again, and she spread her thighs at once, like she didn’t even need to think twice. I hovered my fingers just a few inches from her so she could feel the warmth of me, without touching her.

She whined with want, and fuck, that noise was almost enough to make me fuck her right then and there. But not before she said it out loud.

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