Page 75 of Chosen

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“Sam… Sam…”

My mouth was firmly on Damon’s cock, my head bobbing up and down as I gave him an impromptu morning blowjob. After the experience we’d had under the stars, I wanted to do something to thank him, but all we’d done once we got back to the cabin last night was pass out in bed together. It was sweet, though, falling asleep like that, as if we’d been a couple much longer than we had, comfortable enough to just let go.

“Fuck… I’m so close…” Damon groaned, his shaft throbbing between my lips. I took that as a sign for me to pick up the pace, and so I did, moving as fast as I could against the length of him. It wasn’t much longer until Damon was coming inside my mouth, his come splashing all across my tongue.

I grinned up at him as I swallowed every last drop of him with zero hesitation. He grinned back down at me, like there was some hidden secret between us, something special that only we knew.

“You didn’t have to do that, you know,” Damon started, as he caught his breath, his chest steadily rising and falling.

“Of course, I didn’t have to. I wanted to.” I playfully rolled my eyes. “I think that’s part of the whole being in love with you thing. Sometimes, I’m just overcome with the urge to have your dick in my mouth.”

“You… do not make that sound super appealing.” Damon chuckled as he shook his head.

“Good! I hope it doesn’t appeal to anyone else. Ever.” I grinned as I stood up from the bed. “No one else should be thinking about your cock, anyway. You’re all mine.”

I started for the bathroom, but I felt Damon’s hand on my wrist, stopping me from taking another step.

“Wait,” he said, his voice serious. “Before you… you should maybe prepare yourself? For what you’re going to see?”

“What are you talking about, Damon?”

“What I did to you last night…” His words trailed off as he spoke. “You’ve been… uh… marked.”


Oh. Right. The hickeys.

I hadn’t even thought about them since last night, all my thoughts so lost in Damon and our future together I hadn’t considered what I must’ve looked like in the bright light of day post-hickey marking.

"I think I'll be all right," I said as I gently pulled away from him, heading toward the bathroom yet again. A few moments later, and I was crossing the threshold, ready and prepared to see myself for the first time in the mirror—

“Oh, my God! Oh, my God!” I brought a hand up to my mouth, somehow completely unprepared for the image I saw looking back at me. There were marks everywhere, my shoulders, my stomach, my thighs, even the side of my cock. If anyone caught a glimpse of me without my shirt on, hell, if anyone caught a glimpse of me in shorts, I wouldn’t have been able to explain it to them.

“I warned you,” Damon said as he suddenly stood beside me in the mirror. “I… may have gotten a little carried away last night.”

“It’s… very thorough handiwork.”

“Too much?”

“Nope.” I shook my head as I offered him a bright smile. “I like having all these marks on me. Kind of makes me feel like I’m your special, little canvas.”

“If you’re my canvas, I’m a pretty messy painter.”

“The good ones always are.” I beamed before I pressed a soft kiss against Damon’s shoulder. “And at least you only left one hickey on my neck. And in a spot that can be covered up with a sweater? That’s pretty solid paintwork to me.”

“Why, thank you. I try my best.” Damon lightly chuckled before he returned my kiss, pressing his lips against the side of my head. “I’ll get started on breakfast. Steak and eggs sound good? Maybe with a little bit of salsa, too?”

“That sounds absolutely perfect.” I smiled at Damon as he walked out of the bathroom.

Once he was gone, I turned back to the image of myself in the mirror, so utterly owned, so obviously taken by Damon in each and every way.

And I smiled at myself, feeling like I was the luckiest person in the world, like I’d won the kind of lottery no one else would’ve ever gotten to enter.

Like Damon and I were actually going to be okay.

* * *

“How to start own business”

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