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“What? You don’t like that one?” Sam grinned. “Do we really have to stick with sir all the time?”

“Usually, yes.” I grinned right back at him. “But since you’re such a brat—”

“I’m not a brat—”

“I think it’d be easier to just make an exception.” I kissed him on the forehead in return. “Besides, baby is kind of cute. Classic.”

“I’m glad you think so, baby,” Sam said, leaning his head on my shoulder. “I’m also super happy that I’m not the only crazy one in this relationship. I mean, talking about the future like this? When we’ve only known each other for a few days?”

Sam shook his head as he went on. “I really thought if I told you how I felt you’d just… disappear out of my life.”

“Never.” I kissed him on the forehead again, gentler this time. “I’d never disappear out of your life, Sam.”

Sam let out a content sigh as he nuzzled against my shoulder even further.

And I let myself sink into the natural silence that came between us, a warmth surrounding us that made me feel so comfortable and so safe.

* * *

“Why are we out here again?” Sam asked as he leaned against a nearby tree.

“Because if there’s anything too wrong with the truck, Jacob is going to kill me.”

I was popping open the hood of the truck, inspecting it as I spoke, quickly ensuring everything was in its right place. I’d mostly brought Sam out here to keep me company, shamelessly enjoying spending time with him whenever I could, especially now that it looked like we were actually going to have a future together.

“Is he really going to fire you if something’s wrong with the truck?” Sam moved closer to me, now staring down at the truck’s engine, too. “I mean, wouldn’t whatever happened to the truck be considered an Act of God or something?”

“Not according to Jacob.” I let out a half scoff, half chuckle. “He’d just ask me why I couldn’t tell it was about to rain, why didn’t I notice the clouds, why couldn’t I smell it in the air—”

“Smell it in the air? What? Is that something Jacob can do?”

“Yep,” I replied, shifting away from the truck’s hood.


“Seriously.” I smirked as I headed toward the back of the truck. “If you think I’m a nature guy, you should see Jacob. Sometimes, I think he might secretly be a Tarzan type, like he was raised off the land. We both grew up here, but he’s next level.”

“Sounds like he’d hate someone like me.” Sam frowned. “Just the sight of me sounds like it’d annoy him.”

“Nope. Jacob’s not an asshole,” I replied, my attention back on the truck, making sure any damage was purely surface level. “He’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. He might assume that you need more help than you do, being out here, but never in a condescending way.”

“Oh.” Sam’s voice was quiet. “Sorry to have misjudged him, then.”

“Yeah, assholes aren’t people I tend to associate with.” I grinned. “And anyone who’d come after you for anything is definitely an asshole in my book.”

“So protective.”

“Aren’t I always?” I moved away from the back of the truck, pulling open the driver side door. I started to inspect the inside of the truck, checking for any leaks.

“How’s the truck looking?” Sam asked. “Everything seem okay?”

“No damage caused by the storm, at least,” I reported. “If there’s anything wrong with this truck it happened way longer than a few days ago, which is good news, since that means no one can blame me for it.”

“Living the dream,” Sam joked, as he slid into the passenger side.

“What are you doing?”

“Just daydreaming,” he said, while patting the driver side seat. “Join me?”

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