Page 8 of Sovereign Oaths

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“This has all been too much,” I finally admitted. “I just want to go to sleep.”

He kissed my forehead and took a step back. “Of course. I’m going to shower and try to wash this whole night away. Can I get you anything?”

“No, I’m fine.”

He eyed me as if he couldn’t quite figure me out.

Good luck. I can’t either.

Once the bathroom door shut behind him and the shower started, I hurried to pull my phone out of my bag. As it started up, Alessio knocked around in the bathroom, opening drawers and cabinets before finally getting into the shower.

Rod and Javier replied.

Rod: Pack is aware. They will stay out of the area for now.

I thanked him and then opened Javier’s message.

Javi: Rod is on it. You need to get back to Miami. We can’t get to you.

He was right. Being here on my own presented too many unknowns with my team and my equipment. Plus, I needed to hear his voice. I needed to know he wasn’t mad at me for staying behind.

I called him.

“Em?” Javi answered immediately.

“I don’t have long.”I listened, making sure Alessio was still occupied before speaking again. “We’re at his villa.”

“I can have a Pack member meet you down the street. You can get away now.”

I hated how tempting that was.

“No, I still can’t run.”

He growled. Marco called in the background, but I couldn’t make out his words.

“He knows it was Brazzi?” Javi asked me.


He relayed my response, and I continued.

“He said he needs time to resolve the situation back home.”

“Fuck, we need to get to you,” he snapped, then spoke to the guys, telling Cruz to book flights, Marco to start packing, and Derek to check surveillance on Brazzi’s feeds.

I stared at the bathroom door again, hearing only the soft echoes of Alessio singing, oblivious.

“I’ll try to get him to go back tomorrow.” I glanced at the clock. “Or today, I guess.”

“You need to get back as soon as possible.”

As if I needed that reminder. “I know. I already yelled at him for basically kidnapping me, but he’s adamant about keeping me somewhere safe for now.”

“Then you use your unlimited funds to get your own flight back.”

“I can’t just––”

“You can do anything, so don’t try to feed me more bullshit.”

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