Page 75 of Sovereign Oaths

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“In our next home, she wants a projector.” Derek moved to help him with the next sheet.

“What else?”

I shrugged. “A popcorn machine?”

“Yes!” Cruz cheered. “Keep going.”

“A mini freezer just for ice cream.”

Derek laughed. “A fridge for drinks.”

“Obviously,” I agreed. “Probably some sort of gaming system.”

Cruz paused. “Am I speaking to a fellow fort expert?”

“The opposite, actually.”

“A novice?” he guessed.

Derek gasped with his hand over his mouth. “Don’t tell me you’re a virgin!”

Of course. he basically screamed that, getting Marco and Javi to come out of the office.

“Did you just call her a virgin?” Marco smirked. “I’m pretty sure no virgin can take both me and my––”

“Marco!” I screamed.

“I mean, you were there.” He waggled his brows at Derek.

“She’s never built a fort,” Cruz clarified with a wide smile.

“Ah, that makes much more sense.” Marco eyed our creation. “And do you need an experience builder to show you?”

The corner of his lips tugged, but he had more restraint than the others.

“Are you saying these two aren’t?”

Derek threw up his hands and nearly flipped onto the couch when the sheet he was supposed to be holding dropped forward.

“Hey!” Cruz yelled and hurried over with another plate to hold the corner down.

“Obviously.” Marco kept his eyes on me.

I broke, laughing and waving my hand. “Well, show us the way, oh, wise one.”

“It’s cause he’s old.” Derek smirked. “Many, many more years of experience.”

“Three,” Marco shot back as he moved to the farthest corner we hadn’t built yet.

“All right, grandpa.” Cruz passed him a dumbbell to anchor the spot.

Marco moved in front of the TV. “Interesting choice. Insult the one who can have both of you on surveillance duty for the next thirty-six hours.”

Derek and Cruz shared a panicked look.

“You look great, though,” Derek quickly shot back.

“Your balls aren’t even that wrinkly.” Cruz nodded.

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