Page 72 of Sovereign Oaths

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And why was Pedro so calm and quiet?

This night was revealing more than we’d expected.



We hadn’t stayed.

After Marco and Derek confirmed the house was clear, they’d taken me home. Ama hadn’t argued. Pedro’d said he would stay with her.

Alessio, on the other hand, had been pissed I wasn’t there when he’d finally arrived after midnight. I’d blamed my security team. They’d wanted me away from him and his family in case they were the target. My father had given them orders to keep me safe, and that meant eliminating risks.

He’d insisted his house and security systems were enough.

I’d reminded him of the laser that had not only been on his sister but me. We didn’t know who the mark was, and I didn’t feel like jeopardizing my life to be near him. Not right now. Not after he’d promised security would be tight. That it would be low-key. After reminding him of how his men had failed me again, and we were alive thanks to Derek, I’d told him I’d talk to him later.

That had been two days ago.

Ama updated me, letting me know Alessio’s men found the shooter. The threat was over.

It was a lie. I wasn’t sure if she knew that or not.

Alessio’s men were scrambling for any clues of who the gunman was and who sent them. We watched it all happen live from the security room.

“He’s only telling her that so she won’t worry,” Javi insisted. “He doesn’t want her freaking out or doubting his abilities.”

“She’s not one of his men. She’s his sister. She deserves the truth.” Cruz rocked back in his chair.

“None of us are arguing that.” Marco leaned against the wall next to me, offering me another chunk of his granola bar.

I chewed and nodded. “Alessio should tell her, but that means admitting he has no control over the situation.”

“You should encourage her to leave.” Cruz held my gaze.

“No,” Derek said before I could respond. “She knows more than she lets on.”

We all waited for him to continue.

“She called security on the way out of the theater. She knew exactly what to do and what to say. She might appear innocent, but I don’t think she is as far removed as we thought.”

I slouched in my chair. I had this suspicion too but had ignored it, or tried to.

“Do you think she was the intended target?” I asked.

He shook his head. “No, I’m not even sure there was one. I think the shooter was trying to scare everyone. He had plenty of time to aim, but the dot was all over the place. It went from you to the wall to Pedro and Ama and another wall. It was either a rookie, which I doubt, or they were using the laser to get our attention and scare us.”

“They did that,” I admitted.

They’d emptied the theater in minutes, without harming anyone. The only injuries of the night were sprained ankles from tripping or missing a stair.

“I’m more inclined to believe it was a threat to Dias. Shooting anyone in his box would have hurt and angered him,” Marco explained. “Not being able to find the shooter is also embarrassing for him. It proves he has holes in his security, vulnerabilities that leave him and his family open.”

“Another chink in his armor,” Javi agreed. “Especially since it took us less than an hour to figure it out.”

“With only two people.” Cruz chuckled.

“So humble,” I teased. “If only we figured it out before I was shot at.”

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