Page 70 of Sovereign Oaths

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Three more songs, and I began counting seats I could see of the orchestra level just to keep my mind busy.

A movement.

Something out of the norm.

My eye caught it, but my brain took more than a few seconds to process.

A red dot danced around our suite, jolting from one spot to the next.

I narrowed my eyes across the theater. Was a bored child playing with a laser?

Then it clicked.


“Get down!” I yelled as I reached out, pulled Em’s chair back, and yanked her to the ground.

“What?” Ama screamed, looking around.

“What’s wrong with you?” Dias demanded.

I pointed at his sister’s stomach. “Get down!”

Pedro caught on before Dias and pulled Ama to the ground behind the balcony ledge just as a shot was fired.

Plaster sprayed behind us, and Ama screamed again.

The music stopped.

Screams erupted as another shot rang out.

“Anyone hit?” I checked them out but didn’t see blood.

“No,” Pedro called back.

“We need to move!”I yelled.

The door burst open as Dias’s men filled the small space, guns out.

“Where did it come from?” one of them demanded.

I was the only one with an answer. “Not the suites. I was watching those. Had to be above. There’s no way they could have gotten that angle from below.”

“Go!” another guard called. “I’ll cover.”

I didn’t trust him but had no choice. My priority was Em’s safety. With her wrapped under my arm, half my body covering hers, I went to the door and checked that the hall was empty before stepping out. “Go to the wall.”

I turned and waved for Ama and Pedro to follow. Dias was still crouched but yelling at his men. Fuck him. He could find his own way out.

The other boxes’ doors flew open as people streamed out.

I locked eyes with Em, and she nodded, taking the lead. She hurried to join the group and reached back, offering her hand to Ama. They linked together, Ama holding onto Pedro with her other hand while I covered them.

The VIP stairs were crammed, and we were left unmoving, waiting for the balcony level to empty before we could.

My eyes scanned the crowd, watching faces as if the gunman would stand out. He wouldn’t. He was likely long gone, taking an unmarked or private exit from the other side of the theater.

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