Page 63 of Sovereign Oaths

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“I need you.” He leaned back, and I blinked up to meet his eyes. “I’ll do whatever it takes. Anything.”

Well, I couldn’t be in any better of a position for this mission now. I could bend him to my will.

I swallowed and dropped my gaze to his chest. “I shouldn’t.”

That crack was just the sliver of hope he needed. “Millie, I swear I will make it up to you. I will be the man you deserve.”

I slammed my fist against him again. “Why do I have to love you so damned much?”

He kissed my forehead, staying there for several heartbeats before pulling away and tipping my chin up until our eyes locked. “Because we belong together. I know it, and I think deep down you do too.”

I sighed. “Don’t make me regret this, Alessio.”

“I swear.” He kissed me, and I knew I might not, but he would one day wish we’d never met. I just hoped it was coming soon.



“Update?” Javier asked for the third time. This hour.

“No,” I bit out.

“She’ll be back as soon as she can,” Cruz muttered from the corner of the room where he sat with his laptop on his legs.

Javier went back to his pacing.

We’d rotated losing our minds over the last four days. It was currently his turn, but he’d calm down soon enough. Then one of us would take his place.

I clicked through various feeds of the northern warehouses Dias used for his weapons trafficking. There was another delivery due, but no sign of it yet.

Compared to the chaos of the last few days, this was mind-numbingly boring.

Millie’s birthday party had been a complete shitstorm that left his men reeling and struggling to hold the business together enough to run.

A gang war had not been in our plans for that night. We wanted Dias to admit in front of his guys how much he’d given to Michael to rent out the club, but drawing weapons had been unexpected and less than ideal.

At least we could add another enemy to the list of suspects when everything finally went down. The Velez would be so far down, we’d probably be overlooked entirely. Dias was that good at pissing people off.

We wanted Em back to see for ourselves that she was safe and unharmed. Listening and watching the disaster unfold from our apartment was a living nightmare. Javi, Cruz, and I had stayed here since the party was such a low risk.

It was nothing other than luck that she hadn’t gotten hurt. All the training in the world meant nothing when you were unarmed in the middle of a gunfight.

Ama getting shot in the shoulder was a blessing considering what could have happened.

Dias lost four men. The gang lost one, with two in serious condition.

To say his men were mad would be the understatement of the century. Talk of removing him from the top was widespread and out in the open. His top men, who should have immediately stomped out any mention of a mutiny, didn’t bother pretending like they didn’t agree.

He was called unstable. Insane. Delusional. Unhinged. Unfit.

We sat back and let the doubt spread.

“They’re still in bed. How long can he keep her there before it’s a hostage situation?” Cruz slammed his laptop closed.

“I told you to stop watching. I have alerts set up if any of the exterior windows or doors open,” I reminded him, not that he’d forgotten.

We wanted her home. Not with that bastard.

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