Page 6 of Sovereign Oaths

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Only, he didn’t know that.

My Pack, who had no idea I wasn’t where I was supposed to be, was the kind to kill first and ask questions later.

The wolves here didn’t know me and wouldn’t recognize me.

The only way to keep them from mistaking me as a part of Alessio’s crew and taking me out––I didn’t think I could stop them from murdering anyone else––was to reveal my true identity. At that point, what would I have to lose? Alessio would be a dead man.

No, damn it!

They couldn’t interfere. Not yet!

We were too close to the finish line. I was in his inner circle. The seeds I planted in Miami were finally blossoming into doubt and instability—is and Brazzi’s. I added gasoline directly onto the flames of their bitter rivalry.

I’d been highlighting Alessio’s flaws to his men. Showing them how easily distracted he was, how he cared about his new girlfriend more than the smooth function of his businesses. Bit by bit, Alessio’s empire was weakening, and we needed just a little more time.

But I had no way of telling my team where I was heading and asking them to let our Pack know to stay away. I needed to reach Rod.

“Did you pack my phone?” I bent over to look through my bag.

“Yes, but you can’t use it.”

I raised a brow. “Excuse me?”

“This is a dead zone. You won’t get service until we land.”

Dead zone. He didn’t know how right he was.

“Don’t worry. A car will be waiting for us.” He seemed remarkably unbothered by our fleeing an attack in the middle of the night. Did he think I wanted to call an Uber?

“Alessio, this is too much.” Maybe I could guilt him into going back to Miami. This sudden diversion to Mexico was basically a kidnapping. Not that I’d use those exact words. I was supposed to be his loving, trusting girlfriend, but everyone had a breaking point. Millie was getting pretty damned close to hers.

“I know––”

“No. You’re not listening to me.” I closed my eyes for a second and sighed. “I don’t know who you are right now. I don’t understand what’s happening. In just a few hours, we went from waking up in bed and you asking me to be your girlfriend to flying off to Cuba. I was excited to meet your mom. Seeing more of your life and having you open up to me meant a lot to me, so I didn’t say anything. But this crosses the line! It’s too much. I want to go home.”

The pilots kept their attention forward in a pretense of privacy, but they could hear every single word I said in their headphones. I expected Alessio to realize that too, but he didn’t blink. Maybe their NDAs were airtight, or he paid them enough to have very short memories.

“I hear you. I do. I didn’t expect this to happen, but I’m doing what is best to protect you.”

“By taking me farther from my home, my country, to yet another place I don’t know?”

“No one knows about my home in Mexico.”

News flash! The Velez sure as hell did, so that meant anyone could. Including Brazzi.

“Alessio,” I snapped. It was the first time I ever raised my voice around him. “I’m not comfortable with this. I want to go home.”

I yanked my hand away when he reached for me. His lips dipped into a frown.

“Amor, I’m trying. I want to keep you safe.”

“Then take me home.”

“This is the best option. We won’t stay long. I just need to make sure the situation is resolved before we return.”

I raised a brow. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“Brazzi sent men to my mother’s home. That cannot be allowed without consequences.”

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