Page 56 of Sovereign Oaths

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I should want to be done. A huge success like this could change the trajectory of my career within the Pack.

But it would mean going home, and I didn’t know what that word meant anymore. I didn’t think of my parents’ house or the gym as home. I didn’t even think of the men I worked with over the past ten years as my team anymore.

Home was with Marco, Derek, Cruz, and Javi now. Wherever they were.

Unfortunately, staying with them was an unlikely option. I could try to negotiate a relocation or have them brought into the Pack lands. Neither of those seemed realistic. We were needed in different areas.

The end of this mission could very well be the end of us.

“Are you ready to head back?” Alessio lounged next to me with his arm over his eyes.

“Sure,” I answered automatically.

I would prefer to stay out here all day but didn’t want to push it.

He raised his other arm and gave a thumbs-up to whoever was watching or waiting for a response.

Alessio’s front door swung open, nearly making me shift out my claws at the unexpected intrusion. I twisted on the couch and gasped.

“Ama!” I jumped and ran into her outstretched arms. “What are you doing here?”

Shit. I hadn’t factored her into these plans. My eyes widened as they met Derek’s where he sat at the dining room table. He gave a small nod. He’d let the others know, and they would adjust.

I stepped back, and she beamed at me. “I couldn’t miss your birthday!”

“You came for me?”

She winked. “Of course. When Alessio told me about your party, I insisted on being here. Plus, Pedro and I have been talking, and I wanted to see him too.”

I cocked a brow. “Oh, so he’s who you’re actually here for.”

She rolled her eyes and pulled me back to the couch. “He’s only a small perk. Now tell me everything you’ve been up to. Has my brother been behaving?”

“Yes.” I let out a happy sigh. “Things have been so much better since the incident. He still works a lot, of course, but he’s much more present when we’re together.”

“That’s good. I’m glad he’s keeping you happy.”

“And what about you? Is Pedro keeping you happy? I didn’t realize there was more than friendship there.”

She fell back against the cushions. “I always thought he only saw me as Alessio’s little sister. I’ve had a crush on him for a decade but never thought he’d see me, you know?”

I nodded but couldn’t actually relate.

“The pool party changed everything. I’m not exactly sure what it was about that day, but he was much more forward than ever before. He was flirty and so relaxed. When I called him out at the end of the night, it was like he hadn’t even realized it. But he had as much fun as I did, and it’s been steady progress since then.”

“Was leaving him hard?”

She bit her lip. “A lot more than I was expecting. As much as I love my work and living in Costa Rica, I can’t help but miss him and you.”

“And Alessio?” I teased.

She waved her hand. “Yeah, him too.”

I laughed with her and rested my elbow on the back of the couch. “So you’re thinking of moving back?”

“I already put in my notice with the sanctuary. I’ll go back next week to finish up, and then I’ll be here permanently.”

I matched her smile, but my heart dropped a bit. Getting closer to her would only make this harder. As much as I’d missed her over the past few weeks, I’d prefer for her to be as far away from her brother’s mess.

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