Page 35 of Sovereign Oaths

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“But if he wants to make Dias seem like an unfit leader, that would mean he wants to take over. Be the boss like he believes he should be.” I paused, letting my many rampant thoughts form into one. “Why would Dias believe he’d blow up a warehouse? That hurts the business. That’s a huge profit loss. Damage that will cost them to fix, plus replacing weapons and other products won’t be cheap. Especially if they have buyers waiting.”

It didn’t make any sense to me, but then again, I wasn’t a scorned man looking to take out the kid who’d stolen my position.

“It doesn’t have to make sense. It’s not his mess to clean up,” Javi reminded me. “At least, not yet.”

“It just feels like a reach.”

But Dias hadn’t made the most rational decisions lately. That might be all he needed to feed the conspiracy in his head.

“Hold on.” Marco held up a finger before answering his cell phone and putting it on speaker. “What did you find?”

“Martin’s clean,” a man I recognized from the delta team replied. He’d run a list of people we considered low priority. Hitting on important info was probably a big win for him. “We’ve been following him for weeks. He’s a grumpy son of a bitch but loyal to Dias and the business.”

I smirked. So it was all in Dias’s head. Did he stay up at night running through names of possible betrayers?

“That’s good to know, but we don’t want Dias finding that out.” Marco faced Javi. “In fact, if you guys can figure out a way to perpetuate the doubt, that would be great.”

“On it.”

“Do you have any information we can use on him now?” Javi asked loud enough to be heard.

“He’s got a meeting tomorrow with some people from out of town. We don’t know anything about them except their plane lands at nine thirty and their reservations are at eleven.”

Javi cocked a brow. “Send the location. We’ll send him and Em there.”

Marco hung up, and a moment later a text came through. “First Light? That’s not one of his.”

“No, he must want to take them somewhere neutral.” I grinned. Messing with Dias was quickly becoming my favorite part of this mission. Anything to get him questioning not only his men and their loyalty but also his own judgment.

Maybe we could have Em move things around his house just to push him over the edge that much sooner. Ruin the one place he was supposed to be able to relax. Take away his peace little by little.

“I need to talk to Em.” Javi was already texting.

“Have her switch things around in his kitchen. Like, move the cups to a different cabinet,” I suggested.

He narrowed his eyes. “Why?”

“For fun.”

Derek chuckled. “He’ll blame his innocent house staff.”

“Or…” I held up a finger. “She can gaslight him and tell him that’s where they’d always been. Make him start to question his sanity.”

Javi rolled his eyes and went back to typing, hopefully passing along my message.

“Have them show up around eleven fifty or eleven thirty so the group is already seated and in the middle of things,” Marco suggested, and Javi nodded along.

Sure, Javi agreed with his ideas.

“She’s not stoked about sleeping over so soon, but she’s doing it,” Javi passed along.

“She knew what she was doing when she left with him,” Derek chimed in. “She gave me the look to back off. She must have known he was going to give her information.”

“There’s a reason she’s leading their relationship aspect of the mission,” Marco agreed. “She knows what she’s doing.”

“So let’s help her as much as we can.” Javi turned to me. “Hack into the restaurant’s system and get them on the books. If you can, give them a clear line of sight to Martin’s table.”

“On it.” I spun back to face my laptop and got to work. The restaurant had an online reservation system with a pathetically easy-to-access admin page. Within a few minutes, I rearranged the bookings to accommodate our needs. “Done.”

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