Page 110 of Sovereign Oaths

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“He’s dead,” I whispered. “They all are.”

Cruz took my hand. “That was the plan.”

Right. That was always the goal.

“And now we go home? Just like that?” I asked.

“Yup. We have the night to pack up. We can grab some dinner on the way back if you want,” Marco offered.

They were really so unaffected? The whole event felt too short. Had I expected there would be a long conversation between Cruz and Alessio?

Of course not. This wasn’t a movie, where the villain spills the whole plan, and the hero finds a way to escape. Once all the gunmen had their shot, they took it. The Pack didn’t mess around. Alessio didn’t need to know all the details. He was going to die. They didn’t care about providing clarity. He could find his answers in hell.

Martin got more information, but it was only because Cruz was making sure all the men were present. Taking them out at once was easier for us than having to chase down one or two stragglers.

“Thai sound good?” Javi asked as he pulled into the parking lot of a strip mall.

“Sure,” I answered automatically.

“Green curry for me.” Derek tapped the back of the seat.

“Same, but extra bamboo shoots in mine,” Cruz said as Marco and Javi got out.

Once we were alone, they both turned to face me.

“Hanging in there?” Cruz asked while rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

I nodded. There wasn’t much of a choice. Breaking down could wait until we got home.

“You did so much better than I would have.” Derek took my other hand in his. “Not just today. This whole mission was more than any of us expected, but you got through it with so much grace and strength.”

I huffed. “I’m not sure about that.”

“No, he’s right. I’m not sure I would have even been able to make it as long as you did. The first time he pissed me off, I would have called it.”

“Right?” Cruz chuckled. “I would have snapped and killed him within the first few days.”

I let out a small laugh. “That’s why they didn’t send any of you in. Bunch of quitters.”

Derek grinned. “We are.”

I sagged a bit, letting my head fall on Cruz’s shoulder. “I’m just glad it’s over.”

“We are too, nena.” He kissed the top of my head.

We stayed in comfortable silence until Marco and Javi got back with our dinner. When we got to the marina, I headed toward the small boat we usually took to cross to the island, but Javi stopped me.

“We’re taking the yacht out one last time.”

“Really?” I smiled and headed toward the familiar dock, but no crew members were waiting to greet us. “Where is everyone?”

“We’ve got it.” Marco held out his hand to help me step onto the deck. “We’re just going to cruise the harbor.”

That sounded great to me. I headed into the cabin with Javi and the food, looking in the cabinets for plates.

As we pulled away and slowly moved along the coast, I felt myself relaxing as the events of the day sank in.

We were done. Alessio was gone. The Dias family no longer posed any threat to the Velez. I wasn’t happy. My heart might be black, but it wasn’t steel. Plenty of people lost their lives, and it wasn’t like our Pack was altruistic or full of benevolent leaders simply wanting to make the territory a better place for its residents. No, they just wanted access to the ports and the market of potential buyers.

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