Page 11 of Sovereign Oaths

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“I don’t trust you.”

He huffed like I sucker punched him.

“I can’t be around you. Not until you figure out your shit with Brazzi and can prove to me you’re truly the man you claim to be.”

I turned and walked down the long hallway and out the front door. A car waited at the gate. Security hadn’t let it in. At least these guys did their jobs.

I walked down the driveway and waved for the guard to let me exit. The driver of the black sedan got out and gave me a single nod.

“Ms. Torres?”


“Mr. Torres said to take you to the airport. Your plane will be arriving shortly.”

My shoulders eased. At least the guard’s report would line up with my story.

“Thank you.” I handed off my bag, and he put it into the trunk while I climbed into the backseat.

I didn’t look back to see if Alessio was watching, unsure if I wanted him to be there or not.



None of us could relax until she was back with us. Her plane was landing, and we had confirmation from the pilot she was safe and alone, but we needed to see with our own eyes.

I was her bodyguard. I was supposed to stay with her. Protect her.

I never should have left Dias’s mom’s house. I should have fought back, refused, and been there when she was ready to leave.

We were giving the dickhead too much control and power. He was used to getting what he wanted, but not when it came to Emilia.

“There they are.” Javi pointed at the familiar jet two landing strips over.

Marco folded his arms. “Remind me why we can’t just give the Pack the word and have him killed now?”

“Because we’re not done,” I snapped.

“We have enough to take down his business,” Cruz sided with Marco.

“That’s not the goal.” Javi didn’t look away from the slowly approaching plane. “El Lobo wants total obliteration of the business, sourcing, dealers, market, and family. Not a single survivor. He doesn’t want a Dias cockroach to appear in a year and try to rebuild.”

“We have most of them.” Cruz sighed. “Names of the rest.”

“Soon.” Javi calmed a bit. “This will be over soon.”

The plane stopped and moments later the door opened, dropping the stairs to the tarmac.

Em stood at the top, looking down at us with a mixture of relief and annoyance. She took the stairs and Cruz rushed forward, wrapping his arms around her and swinging her in a circle before setting her down.

“Missed you, nena.” He gazed at her.

“I missed you too.” She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes as she faced us. She looked exhausted. “All of you.”

Marco barked out a laugh before hugging her tight. “We shouldn’t have left.”

She fisted his shirt. “I told you to.”

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