Page 107 of Sovereign Oaths

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He was far from innocent.

He was evil wrapped in a handsome, charming custom suit.

I was his angel of death.



They pulled the van inside the building through one of the delivery entrances on the off chance Alessio got access to footage nearby. This gave me the freedom to get out on my own and stride over to the table with chairs, where the guys were stationed. Javier thought of it so I wouldn’t have to pretend to fight and be carried in tied up or something.

Javi was on the phone, but Derek and Marco sat in front of laptops. I wanted to run to them and fall into Derek’s arms or sit on Marco’s lap, but there were too many eyes. We were supposed to be professionals, teammates. Nothing more. I flopped down, and Marco reached over and gripped my thigh while typing with his other hand.

“You okay?”

I swallowed and shrugged.

He turned to me. “It’s almost over.”

“Then what?” I whispered.

His eyes met mine, communicating something I didn’t understand. I cocked a brow, and he discreetly looked around. We were surrounded by Velez men, so we had to be careful of being overheard.

“Trust us.” He clipped the words and went silent.

Derek offered a small smile, and Cruz took the open spot on my other side.

“Has he received the message?” he asked.

“Yeah, he knows where she is and who has her,” Marco confirmed.

“He’s called in all his men, even the ones in the middle of a shipment.” Derek glanced up from his laptop. “He told them to leave it at the docks, which pissed off some of his top guys, but Dias doesn’t care.”

“So they’re all coming?” Marco asked.

“We’re confirming that now,” a guy I didn’t know answered.

“Dias is on his way,” another man called from a table a few yards over.

“In positions, people!” Rod strode out of a back room.

Marco picked up his laptop and kissed my cheek. “You’ve got this.”

Cruz squeezed my leg. “So close, nena.”

I gave him a nod, and Derek paused on the other side of the table. His look asked me if I was ready. I wasn’t, but I never would be.

He helped Marco with the chairs while the others cleared away the various phones and computers on the tables.

I stood, unsure of what to do, when Javi jogged over.

“We’re going to have you back here.”

He led me farther into the building where a single chair waited in the now deserted space. I sat, knowing what was next.

“We’re so close.” Javi leaned in.

“I know.” I had to stay strong for a little while longer.

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