Page 95 of Abandoned Oaths

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He stood.

“Cristiano? Watch them. Don’t let anyone near this booth.”

The large man stood in front of the table while the rest of the group continued, either oblivious or maybe just used to the drama.

“Holy shit,” Javier gasped.


“Sergio and the other beast took turns beating him to a pulp.”

I wasn’t surprised. He insulted Alessio by bothering his guest, and they wouldn’t allow that.

“Alessio’s here.”

The bang was unmistakable.

“Fuck,” Javier whispered. “Headshot.”

I froze, staring at Ama as she spoke so anyone watching would think I was paying attention to her instead of silently freaking out.

“He killed him?” Marco asked.


Cruz grunted. “Just means we don’t have to do it.”

“Wasn’t he one of his men?”

“Yeah,” Derek finally joined in. “Jayden Gomez, low level.”

“So he killed one of his guys for upsetting Millie?” Marco sighed. “Well, the fucker’s good for one thing.”

They were being so nonchalant about this. Alessio killed one of his men because I complained.

Either he was unstable, or I was already in deeper with him than I knew. I’d have to analyze how I felt about that later.

Alessio appeared looking much calmer. I stood as soon as he was close and went to him.

“Can we go home?” I put my hand on his chest. “I know this is a big night for you, but I want to leave.”

“Of course.” He looked past me. “Ama, do you want to stay?” She must have said yes because he gave a look to Cristiano. “Watch her.”

Then he took my hand and led me away, not to the stairs we used earlier, but to a back set that led directly to an exit.

His car was waiting, guarded by two men.

“Good evening, Mr. Dias,” one of them handed him the keys.

Alessio thanked him, then opened my door and helped me in. He came around to the driver's side and reached out, trailing his finger over my cheek, and gently turned my chin to look at him.

“I’m so sorry, Millie. I swear, I won’t let anything like that happen again.”

I tried to smile, but was still in shock. He killed that guy. I complained, and he killed him.

What the fuck had I gotten myself into?

“Shit.” He looked crushed. His eyes searched my face. “I’ll keep you safe, okay? No one will ever hurt you, and anyone that tries will have to answer to me.”

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