Page 93 of Abandoned Oaths

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A new car one of the men wanted.

Next season’s runway show from an obscure designer.

Drama between one of the women’s friends and her off-and-on-again lover no one at the table liked.

No business talk. No admissions or declarations we could use. No codes I could decipher.

As people got up to dance or talk to other tables, we shifted until we were in the middle, and Terrance was on my other side with a man no one had introduced. I tried to look engaged in Alessio’s conversation about an up-and-coming Mexican singer while eavesdropping on what Terrance was saying.

“I don’t like him. He hasn’t proved he’s trustworthy yet.”

Oh, this could be good.

“You don’t like anyone,” the other man chided.

“Because people are selfish creatures. He can’t give his heart away because he refuses to be vulnerable. Trish should know that by now.”

“You could be wrong. I saw a preview for next week, and it looked like they were finally going to have the talk.”

“Are they talking about that stupid dating show?” Cruz was laughing.

“He’s not wrong,” Derek replied, amused. “Porter is a stone wall. He and Trish won’t end up together if he doesn’t open up.”

I covered my mouth to hide my smile.

“Shut the fuck up,” Javier reprimanded them.

I relaxed a bit, accepting they were going to discuss nothing major. I leaned back, taking Alessio’s hand as he pulled it back and linked my fingers through his. He shot me a smile, before talking to his friends again.

If this were a real date, I would be getting annoyed. He invited me out to sit next to him while he ignored me? No, thanks.

But I was being patient, playing the part.

“Excuse me,” Terrance told the side of the table, and they all shifted to give him room to walk past.

“I’ll be right back,” Alessio kissed me before following him.

“On them,” Marco told me before I could ask.

“Yay!” Ama claimed his empty spot and did a little dance, bumping her shoulder against mine. “I’ve been wanting to chat all night.”

I grinned and was about to ask her if she was having fun when someone on her other side got her attention.

“I don’t know you.” A man I didn’t recognize was suddenly looking at me.

I pointed to myself. “Me? Alessio introduced––”

“Yeah, but I don’t know your name.”

I keep an even smile, half snide, half unbothered. “I did just move here.”

Who was this asshole?

He cocked his head. “I’ve never seen you around.”

“Like I said, I––”

“Where are you from?”

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