Page 83 of Abandoned Oaths

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They were in my head.

Even as Alessio’s lips moved against mine and his hands roamed my arms, shoulders, and back, I couldn’t forget about the four men who were listening.

I could pretend he was one of them.

That might make this all easier.

He felt good. He was a great kisser, and my body didn’t need any convincing to get on board with what was coming.

That should be the end of it.

Fuck him, even enjoy it like I was confident I would.

Forget about them.

His hand slid over my dress, cupping my breast before a gentle squeeze that had me moaning against his mouth.

Yes, just let this happen.



Fuck. Me.

Of all the unspeakable things I’d been forced to witness in my life, this was by far the hardest to watch.

I didn’t have to look.

I knew I could turn off the monitor, turn on other feeds, or leave the room, but I couldn’t.

I was frozen, horrified, yet mesmerized, watching the woman I was . . . infatuated with undressing in front of a man who wasn’t me or my brothers.

He was touching her.

Kissing her.

Holding her.

She was naked as he walked her back to his bed and gently laid her down.

He stared down at her.


“Fuck!” I rubbed my hands over my face.

“You know you don’t have to watch.” Javier’s voice startled me, a feat under normal conditions, but this was anything but normal.

“I’m making sure she’s safe.” A halfhearted lie.

He moved to stand over my shoulder. “She can take care of herself.”

Obviously, we were all well aware she could snap Dias’ neck if he touched her when she didn’t want him to, but it was more than a pull to protect her. It was a primal instinct to claim her.

His hands dragged over her bare chest, and I growled.

“She’s doing her job,” Javier said.

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