Page 77 of Abandoned Oaths

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That didn’t happen often. Reading people was sort of my thing, a skill I mastered over years of training. Missing the mark by this much wasn’t normal. It was unsettling. Almost more so than waking up in the arms of the man I didn’t go to bed with.

It could be normal.

I could adjust.

Plenty of shifters were in polyamorous relationships. I saw them every day back home. My family was somewhat of an anomaly, with only monogamous marriages so far.

I didn’t have a problem being with multiple partners.

I just didn’t think I’d ever be in a position where I’d want to be with more than one man.

Because I didn’t date. I didn’t do relationships. Let alone with four brothers.

And it didn’t even matter. Whatever this was couldn’t last beyond this mission. These were just casual hookups. A stress release. Making each other feel good.

That was all I could handle.

That was all this could ever be.

“Nena?” Cruz’s voice came from the hall just before he opened the bedroom door. I barely had a chance to tug at the sheet when his eyes roamed over my bare shoulders.

He didn’t wag his brows or frown or storm away. He didn’t even seem surprised. “Your phone has been ringing.”

He held up my cell before coming halfway over and tossing it on the bed next to me.

“Thanks.” I didn’t move until he was gone. My screen lit up with an alert. Two missed calls and three new messages.

I closed my eyes and sighed before accepting daylight had come, and I needed to get to work. My clothes were who knew where, so I snagged a hoodie from the top of a hamper and zipped it up before going out to face the guys.

Derek sat on the couch with his laptop open. Cruz was sitting on a stool at the island, and Marco passed me with a two-finger wave on the way to sit next to Derek.

Javi brightened when he saw me and came around the counter with a mug in his hands. “Morning.” He kissed me once before offering me the coffee. “Sleep well?”

“Uh, yeah?” I wanted to ask where he went and why Marco was in his bed this morning, but felt too many eyes on me. I took a sip and soaked in the magic of caffeine, glancing around over the top of the mug.

Yup, all of them were watching my every move.

“Could you hurry up? I don’t want to spend all morning waiting for you,” Derek snapped, before turning back to his laptop.

I glared at the back of his head when Marco snorted.

“Calm down, asshole. You don’t have anywhere to be until noon.”

“Princess gets grumpy when he doesn’t get his full eight hours,” Cruz snickered before taking another mouthful of cereal.

“Why didn’t you sleep?” I asked, though Derek ignored me. “Did you get a lead or something?”

“Or something,” he grumbled, as if I couldn’t hear.

It was too early for his bullshit. I rounded the couch and stood in front of him. “What is your problem?”

He took in a long breath before raising his eyes to my face. “Next time you want to fuck through the house, could you at least warn me so I can charge my noise-canceling headphones ahead of time?”

Having sex was nothing to be ashamed of. I refused to let him make me feel bad about it.

“Between you and Javier going at it, and Cruz getting himself off while listening, it was a rough night.”

I immediately looked at Cruz.

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