Page 57 of Abandoned Oaths

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“Do they do things like lay out by the pool all day?”

“Probably, but not when they’re trying to gain the attention of a specific person,” Marco joined in the conversation.

I didn’t bother lifting my head to see where he was.

Where was Derek? He had to be sick of playing bodyguard. He’d be on my side.

“I’m fully immersed in my spoiled princess role, but I can’t do another day of shopping.” I conjured up a posh-sounding accent.“I simply cannot.”

“Good thing that’s not the plan then,” Marco said with just enough intrigue to make me look.

“What?” I tilted my head back to see him leaning against the doorframe.

“How do you feel about yachts?” He grinned at my sneer.

“No more boats. I’m sick of brushing knots out of my hair.” None of them appreciated the struggles island life cursed me with.

“Then pull it up.”

The man didn’t have a drop of empathy in his body. No wonder he was a good killer.

“You’re not ready?” Cruz stood at the entrance of the hall with his hands on his hips. He wore blue chino shorts and a white polo. The rich frat boy look really suited him.

“I wasn’t aware there was anything to get ready for.” I stared at his hair, trying to figure out what was different. It was styled back with a part on the right side, but that wasn’t all. ”You bleached your hair?”

He gently patted it. “Yeah, we felt like blond was douchier.”

With his light tan skin and blue eyes, he’d fit in with the wealthy white men in the area. Or the Barbie aisle. I scrunched my nose. “You were right.”

“Perfect. I wanted to blend in a bit more.”

And his light brown hair was making him stand out? He was already the least Latino-looking of all of us, so I didn’t understand the change. This wasn’t an Ivy school campus. Miami was a melting pot of Hispanic backgrounds.

“You don’t like it?” he guessed, misunderstanding my silence.

“No, I just don’t get the reasoning.”

“I noticed a lot of blond-haired, blue-eyed guys at the gala and out yesterday. I figured I would get less attention from the people we’re watching. When was the last time you felt threatened by a guy like this?” He waved a hand up and down his body.

I hadn’t felt threatened in a decade, since I began my training, so I wasn’t the right woman to ask. Plus, from watching the human news, I wasn’t sure cocky white frat guys were as harmless as they appeared.

“Whatever. What’s the plan for the day?” I ignored the life-sized Ken doll and focused on Javier.

“You and Skipper over there are going to spend the day on the yacht. He’ll cruise around the area where Dias lives, and hopefully, he’ll notice you and come out.”

“Hopefully? We’re just going to drive up and down his street like creepy stalkers and hope he sees and instead of shooting, and what? Invites me out for tea?”

He shared a look with Marco and shrugged. “Yeah.”

I blinked at him.

Seriously? What part of that sounded like a good idea?

“You ran this past Rod?”

“We don’t need to get approval for every decision we make.” Marco crossed his arms, making his oversized biceps flex.

They were so large. So were his hands.

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