Page 45 of Abandoned Oaths

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Brazzi stepped in front of Dias, having to look up slightly. “You should leave.”

“No, Leo. You should.”

“It looks like you two have a lot to catch up on. Why don’t I do us all a favor and excuse myself?”

Before either of them could protest, Emilia smiled and walked away, merging with a group of women and joining in their conversation.

Brazzi continued to glare at Dias. “Damn you.”

“Oh, please, I just saved you from getting turned down.” Dias was still watching her.

“We should get her out,” Cruz said, now standing next to me.

“Why?” Javier asked. “I don’t see a threat.”

“But at this point, she’s a mystery. A puzzle for them both to solve. Dias is interested, but we need to get her away from Brazzi before he finds out more about her.”

“But Dias doesn’t even know her name. How will he find her?” Derek asked.

“If he’s as well connected and powerful as he projects, he’ll find a way. He’s the type that wants the challenge, and knowing his enemy is interested? It will be all he can think about,” Cruz replied.

He was right. This was actually better than our original plan for them to meet and for him to ask for her number.

“Fine, get her out.”

With Javier’s approval, we separated, and I walked close enough in her line of sight to signal we were leaving.

She excused herself and stepped away from the group, heading directly to the main entrance.

“We’re good,” Cruz confirmed. Neither man followed, so we trailed her.

She climbed into the waiting limo. We waited while it went around the block, so no one would see us leaving together. I got in next, while Cruz stood on the steps.

“What happened? He didn’t ask for my number.” Emilia tugged on the straps of her heels.

I bent over and undid the buckles and slid them off before pulling her feet into my lap. “That encounter was better than what we could have planned. You’re not only on Dias’ radar, but you’re a mystery for him to solve.”

“We don’t know if he’s even interested in me. He could have just wanted to piss off Brazzi.”

“He’s interested. Trust me.” I pressed my thumbs into her arches, and she relaxed back and closed her eyes.

“You don’t think he’ll forget about me by tomorrow?”

“He won’t be able to think of anything but you until he finds you.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I wouldn’t,” I admitted.

She peeked open one eye, and I cocked a brow. I wasn’t lying, and I wouldn’t take that back.

“Huh.” She slumped deeper into the seat as we pulled in front of the building again and Cruz got in.

He shot me a confused look, then laughed when he saw our arrangement. “Me next?”

“Hell, no,” Emilia didn’t open her eyes. “You get a massage when you’ve been wearing five-inch heels for four hours.”

Cruz cringed. “No, thanks.”

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