Page 126 of Abandoned Oaths

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“Your gut says something’s off?” I asked, and he nodded once. “Then let's go.”

They stood immediately while I hurried to the bedroom to grab the rental car keys. “We’re going to have to be incredibly careful. Without weapons, we have no choice but to shift.”

We paused the conversation as we went into the hall and down the elevator to the parking lot, not speaking again until we were in the car.

“With no rain for the past two days, it shouldn’t be too muddy, but be mindful of paw prints,” Marco reminded us.

It took less than five minutes to pass the camera we had set up. We didn’t want to be within range of Dias’ mother’s security, so I parked on the side of the road. We climbed out, quickly undressing and shifting.

I left my phone on a cord around my neck. Emilia hadn’t been checking her phone very often, and I didn’t want to have to call her, especially if Alessio was around, but it was better to be safe.

Be aware of the cameras. I reminded them as we trotted along the stucco wall of an estate.

Stop. Marco ordered, and we froze. Camera at one o’clock. His head swung back and forth as he took in the options. This way.

We followed single file until he stopped and easily jumped the ten-foot wall into the Dias property. Cruz and Derek followed, and the three of them waited on the other side for me to join.

Lie low. Marco and Cruz, you check the front and west sides. Derek and I will cover the east and beach. Once you have a visual on Emilia, let us know.

After my command, we split off. Derek stayed behind me as we carefully picked a path through the thick foliage. Staying in the shadows was the best approach, since the two cameras we passed were placed a few yards closer to the house. We were in the dead zone, invisible to their security team.

Which meant if the vans were carrying any threats, they could use this space to their advantage as well.

Watch the far perimeter. There’s about three yards of space we’re working with. I told Marco.

I smell something. Cruz announced a minute later.

Same. Marco replied before they both went silent.

I glanced back at Derek, whose worry was clear in his eyes. We continued around the back of the house to the edge where our cover ended. We’d have to expose ourselves to get a better view.

Fuck. It was up to me to decide.

Was it worth it for us to allow cameras to catch two wolves moving through the property?


Not without a panic signal from Emilia. Not without knowing she was completely incapable of defending herself.

We have to stay here. Because two naked men were almost as alarming.

Derek dipped his chin then peered through the branches as far as he dared. His nose moved as quickly as his eyes.

I looked through every open window but didn’t see a single figure.

Two dozen men. All black. They just jumped over the western wall. Armed. Marco’s report was the absolute worst-case scenario.

Security hasn’t noticed. Derek was watching the guardhouse just inside the main gate. He was right. There was no noise or movement.

They’re evading the cameras too.Cruz reported.

Fuck. We had to warn Emilia. I closed my eyes and let out a howl, hoping she would recognize the sound and come searching.

Derek narrowed his eyes. Yeah, it was a risk, but what choice did we have?

They’re moving in on the west side. Cruz said

Shift. We can’t cover a wolf attack in Cuba. I ordered.

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