Page 107 of Abandoned Oaths

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They looked to be in their late forties. He had salt and pepper hair and was wearing white shorts with a mostly unbuttoned light blue shirt. I wouldn’t have paid attention to them if she hadn’t pointed them out.

“Yes. Those are the Carmichaels. They act like they’re old money and brag about their various holiday homes, but we did a little digging. Her dad was an investor in that website that got hacked a few years ago. The one married men used to find hookups. It was supposed to be all discrete and anonymous, but all the names leaked.”

“Oh?” That sounded vaguely familiar, but since it was a human crisis, I hadn’t cared.

“Yeah, but he was smart enough to take the money and put it in offshore accounts. Then he sold his shares just before the scandal. His family changed their last name two generations ago. They’re really Bakers.”

“Huh.” Was this what rich people gossiped about?

“Anyway, we’ve never actually invited them to anything, but they show up almost every time. At this point, it’s a game. Like will they? Won’t they?” She chuckled. “They’re harmless, so Alessio doesn’t care, but you’ll want to steer clear.”

I smiled and shifted away so I wasn’t looking at them. A cluster of men in various black ensembles chatted directly across from us. “What about them?”

Ama glanced over her shoulder and dismissed them. “Some of Alessio’s employees.”

“Are they the ones we’re celebrating?”

“No, they’re on the security team. It was the warehouse that beat their goals.”

By murdering their competition.

“And where are they?” I asked, as if I truly cared.

“Over there.” She pointed to a volleyball net in the sand. Twelve shirtless men were laughing and clearly not taking the game seriously.

“They seem to be enjoying themselves.” I laughed as one of the shorter men in the front row bumped the ball twice in a row, and no one cared.

“Yeah, they’re taking advantage of their day off. It’s not every day they get honor or recognition.”

“That’s nice of Alessio to throw them this event.”

“I think everyone needed a chance to relax.” She waved at someone behind me before leading us into the connected open-air building with food and drinks. “What can I get you?”

“Anything blended?” I asked, hoping they had some margaritas or daiquiris to battle the heat.

“Oh, good idea!” She hurried to the bar, and one of the three busy bartenders immediately helped her, ignoring the other waiting guests.

She returned with two pink drinks in funky glasses, complete with twisted straws and umbrellas. “For you.”

“Thank you!” I took a gulp and sighed at the cool sensation.

“So yummy.” She looked out past me. “I’m going to miss this.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m heading back home at the end of the week.”

“Which is where?” Alessio never told me.

“Costa Rica. I’ve been volunteering at an animal sanctuary for the past few months.”

“Alessio mentioned that, but I thought you were done.”

She grinned. “I thought so, but I really miss it. Cuddling sloths is my dream come true. It’s been nice to come up and visit Alessio and dress up and get spoiled, but I’d rather be in my polo and khaki shorts smelling like animals any day.”

“When you put it like that, I don’t blame you,” I teased.

She laughed.“Trust me, it’s worth it.”

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