Page 100 of Abandoned Oaths

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I hesitated. “But that might not be how they are. He doesn’t have the reach the Pack does. If he keeps up this pace, police are going to notice.”

Javier closed his eyes. “That’s the last thing we need.”

“He’s not careful,” Cruz spoke up from the laptop he’d been staring at for the past hour. He was supposed to be researching one of Dias’ businesses and seemed to have fallen down a rabbit hole.

I agreed. “He’s not controlled or precise like the other cartels or families we know.”

“Exactly.” Marco pointed at me. “Which is why it’s going to be so easy to bring him down.”

“It means he’s unpredictable. Usually, they have a set of strict rules. It’s like he threw that out the window the second he got involved with Emilia.” Cruz pushed his hands through his hair.

“But maybe not,” I hedged. “We don’t know enough about how he was running things before. This could be the type of leader he’s always been.”

“None of this would be allowed in the Pack,” Javier roared. “He’s reactive. He doesn’t put much thought into his actions, before or after he does them.”

“Which we can use to our advantage.” Marco leaned back. “We know he’ll do anything to protect Emilia. Maybe we need to push that.”

“How?” I asked, not sure I wanted the answer.

Most of the time, Marco was levelheaded, but every so often he reminded us he was just a little, or a lot, unhinged.

“Make him start killing off his employees.”

“By putting Emilia in danger?” I did not like where this was going.

“Not really. Just more of what happened at the club. A guy made her feel weird and boom, he’s dead.” He smiled.

As if we needed that reminder.

It was unnerving.

He shot one of his men based purely on her word.

What else could she get him to do?

“I’m really glad you’re on our side.” Cruz eyed Marco before turning back to his work.

Javier shook his head. “Dias wouldn’t be in this position if he had more men around him, like Marco. He’s too young. His empire is too new to survive any instability. He needs to be ruthless, but calculating.”

“He might have been, but Emilia is revealing his weakness.” And I was damned proud of her for that.

“I doubt we’ll be the only ones to exploit it, so we need to be extra vigilant,” Javier warned. “Marco, follow up with the beta team about the warehouse shipments. Rod wants a report on that ASAP. Derek, run a check on the Jayden guy and figure out why he was so interested in her. If he has anything on her, destroy it. Cruz, wrap things up. You need sleep.”

Cruz waved him off, too deep in whatever he was doing to go to bed. “Later.”

“Fine, but being drowsy when Emilia needs you––”

“Fuck,” he growled and pushed away from the desk. “I’m going, Dad.”

Javier rolled his eyes. “Let me know if you need me.”

I ducked, narrowly avoiding Emilia’s fist in my temple, and sidestepped to put some distance between us. Anger and frustration radiated from her as I blocked each punch.

We hadn’t sparred in over a week, and I forgot how quick she was.

When we got back from Dias’ house yesterday, she said she needed some space and spent the entire day locked in our room. Javier warned us to leave her alone, and she came out this morning seeming more like herself and asked me to meet her in the training room.

She attempted to kick my legs out, but I saw the move coming and snatched her foot and spun, using my momentum to flip her onto her stomach and landed with my knees on either side of her hips.

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