Page 44 of Sinister Lies

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Interesting. It’s a fucking understatement. The truth is, I’m terrified about what Renzo will do to Camila once she’s at our mercy. The guy is completely unhinged. A loose cannon with a hair-trigger temper and a taste for violence. And now he has free rein to unleash all of his darkest desires on this poor girl.



Tears flood my cheeks as I rush back into my apartment, feeling sick to my stomach.

I should have known Elio’s interest in me was too good to be true. It’s a plot—a ploy—and Renzo’s in on it, too. They were all trying to get close to me so they could use me.

I stumble through the doorway, the cold reality washing over me like a merciless wave. I can’t stop the tears; they come hot and fast, blurring my vision and soaking my cheeks. It’s a sick joke where the punchline cuts deep, leaving you bleeding out on the floor.

Elio Barone, with his dark hair and enigmatic gray eyes that seemed to pierce through to my soul, had been a lie. Every look, every touch, every whispered word was part of some twisted game. And I, naive and foolish, had danced right into their trap.

I sink to the floor, my back against the door, knees pulled to my chest. I should’ve known better than to trust so easily. But Elio... he was different. Or so I thought. He listened. He smiled at my dreams and stories and shared stories of his own. There was a gentleness to him that made me believe in something more, something beyond the dangerous legacy I was born into.

And now, Saturday night—a night that promised more than dinner and the opera—feels like a stolen dream. I’d considered giving myself to him, surrendering to the feelings that bubbled up inside me whenever he was near. It wasn’t just about desire; it was about connection, about finding someone who might understand the chaos of my world.

But it was all a ruse.

My phone buzzes relentlessly on the floor beside me, likely Lucia or Maeve checking in. I can’t face them right now; I can’t articulate this shame that coils inside me like a serpent.

My heart feels hollowed out, leaving a gaping wound where warmth used to be. How could I have been so wrong about him? About this feeling that fluttered inside me whenever he looked my way?

I let out a choked sob, hugging my knees tighter as if I could physically hold myself together. At the same time, everything else falls apart around me.

I startle at the sudden knock, my heart lurching in my chest. For a brief moment, I consider ignoring it, curling up tighter, and disappearing into the darkness of my room. But the knock comes again, more insistent this time. I rise slowly, taking a deep breath before I turn the handle.

When I see Elio on the other side, I freeze. His eyes are wild, and his jaw is clenched. He pushes forward before I can react, forcing the door wider.

“Why did you run off like that?” he demands. His voice is rough with anger, sending a spike of fear through me.

I try to close the door, to shut him out, but he’s too strong. He steps inside the room, backing me up against the wall. I’m cornered, trapped.

“Because you’re a lying bastard!” I shout, hating the way my voice trembles.

He slams his palm against the wall beside my head, making me flinch.

“You just took off. No explanation.” His eyes bore into mine, demanding answers. “What is it you think I did?”

“You’re only trying to get close to me to get information about my family!”

His expression turns cold and calculated and he smirks. A smirk that is vindictive and cruel. “That’s right, and unfortunately, now you know, we’re going to have to do things the hard way.”

“What’s the hard way?” I ask.

“You’re going to move in with us where we can keep an eye on you. Make sure you’re not reporting back to that family of yours.” He tilts his head. “And you can provide us with the information we need.”

I stare at Elio in disbelief, my heart pounding against my ribcage. “What do you mean I’m moving in with you?”

Elio’s eyes darken, his jaw set in a hard line. “That’s exactly what I said. You’re coming home with me tonight.”

I shake my head, trying to back away, but there’s nowhere to go. “No, I’m not going anywhere with you.”

He steps closer, his presence overwhelming in the small space. “You don’t have a choice. You know too much.”

“I won’t tell anyone, I swear.” The words tumble out of my mouth.

Elio scoffs at a harsh sound that cuts through the air. “You think we can trust you? After what you’ve learned?”

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