Page 21 of Sinister Lies

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Diego narrows his eyes, unintimidated. “Your territory? Last I checked, this is a public university, not your personal playground.”

Elio’s nostrils flare, and I can see the rage building in his expression. “You’ve got a big mouth for a little prick,” he spits. “Maybe I need to teach you some manners.”

Before I can react, Elio shoves Diego hard, sending him stumbling backward. Diego quickly regains his footing, his own hands balling into fists.

“Fuck you, Barone!” Diego snarls, lunging forward.

I gasp, my heart pounding as the two men collide in a flurry of punches and shoves. Students around us start to gather, murmuring and pointing excitedly.

“Stop! Please, stop!” I cry, but the commotion drowns out my voice.

Elio lands a solid blow to Diego’s jaw, causing him to stagger. But Diego recovers quickly, landing a punch to Elio’s gut that makes him double over.

I stand there, helpless, watching the fight unfold. I know I should try to intervene, but I’m frozen in fear. These men are dangerous, and I don’t want to get caught in the crossfire.

Finally, a professor emerges from the lecture hall across from mine, yelling at them to break it up. Reluctantly, Elio and Diego disengage, glaring at each other with pure hatred.

“This isn’t over, Barone,” Diego spits, wiping the blood from his lip.

Elio smirks, straightening his shirt. “Bring it on, Cruz. I’ll be waiting.” Turning to me, his eyes burning with intensity, he says, “I’ll see you tonight at seven, princess. Wear that sexy black dress for me.” His eyes darken. “I can’t wait to see you in it.”

Without another word, he strides away, leaving me shaken and confused.

I hurry into my economics class, my mind racing. What just happened? Elio has never acted that way before—so aggressive. I know the Barone family is involved in organized crime, just like mine, but I’ve never seen that side of Elio.

As I take my seat, Lucia leans over, her brow furrowed with concern. “Camila, are you okay? I saw what happened outside. That looked intense.”

I nod. “I’m fine, really. Elio just got into a bit of a disagreement with another guy.”

Lucia’s eyes widen. “A disagreement? That looked more like a brawl to me. What’s going on with you two?”

I sigh, not really sure how to explain it. “I’m not sure.” I shake my head. “Elio was saying goodbye, and then this other guy—Diego, I think—bumped into us. Elio got really angry, and they started fighting.”

Lucia shakes her head, her expression troubled. “Camila, you need to be careful with Elio. The Barones are dangerous.”

I know she’s right, but a part of me can’t help being drawn to Elio. His intensity and darkness terrify and captivate me.

“Isn’t every family here dangerous?”

Lucia shrugs. “True. I just mean, watch yourself with him.”

I nod. “Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.”

Lucia still looks concerned but doesn’t push the issue further as the professor begins the lecture. I try to focus on the lesson, but my mind keeps reverting to Elio and his outburst.

Heat filters through my body, warming my cheeks. It’s so wrong that seeing him fight made me hot under the collar.

After class ends, I say goodbye to Lucia and walk back to my dorm, intending to get ready for my date in one and a half hours. Rushing into my room, I shut the door and pressed my back against it.

I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm my swirling emotions. On one hand, I’m disturbed by Elio’s violent outburst. The intensity of his rage, the way he so easily resorted to physical aggression is unsettling. I know the Barone family is involved in organized crime, just like my own, but seeing that side of Elio firsthand is revealing.

Yet, I can’t deny the way it made me feel. The way he fought to defend me sent a thrill through my body. I’ve never experienced anything like that before—the raw, primal possessiveness.

I sink down onto my bed, burying my face in my hands. I’m so confused. I know I should be repulsed by Elio’s behavior, but instead, I find myself craving more. The way he kissed me, so hungry and desperate, it left me aching for his touch.

I can still feel the imprint of his lips on mine, the warmth of his body pressed against me. The memory sends a shiver of desire through me. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want Elio. It’s all-consuming; this desire to be claimed by him.

But I’m terrified, too. What if this is just the beginning? What if his possessiveness and aggression only escalate from here? I don’t want to be caught in the crossfire of a feud.

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