Page 18 of Sinister Lies

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The family. The word echoes in my head, cooling the fire in my veins bit by bit. Dante’s right, as always. I can’t let rage dictate my actions. Renzo might be a fucking idiot, but he’s my family, my blood.

I step back, taking a deep breath, and my brother’s expression shifts from amusement to something more serious. “I need to talk to you about what I said to Camila,” Renzo admits once he notices the storm has passed.

Her name on his lips makes me angry. There’s something different about this girl. Different from any other girl I’ve ever been with, and it’s not just that she’s a pure, innocent virgin. The fire she ignited in my veins when she admitted that to me was all-consuming.

Renzo leans back, a sly grin spreading across his face. “Just hear me out. I’ve got a plan to get the intel we need from Camila.”

I cross my arms, my jaw clenching. “This better be good.”

“Picture this,” he starts, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “we all seduce her—you, me and Dante. We make her ours in every way possible.”

The image of Camila tangled in the sheets, her body intertwined with all of ours, flashes through my mind. I shake my head, trying to clear the thought. “Are you out of your fucking mind?”

He shrugs. “Think about it. If we all have her, she’ll be putty in our hands. She’ll tell us anything we want to know. Any girl would love three cocks over one, and you know it.”

Dante shifts uncomfortably. “I don’t know, Ren. This seems a bit much.”

“Remember that girl in our freshman year of college?” Renzo reminds us, his grin widening. “The one we all had together? It worked then. It’ll work now.”

The memory of that night floods back, the way she moaned between us, the way she submitted to all three of us. I can’t deny the arousal that stirs in my groin at the thought of Camila in the same position.

But then I think of her innocence, the way she blushed when she admitted she was a virgin. The way she looked at me with those big, trusting eyes. The thought of sharing her, of exposing her to Ren’s depravity, makes my stomach turn.

“She’ll never go for it,” I say firmly. “Camila’s not like that.”

Renzo scoffs. “Every girl’s like that. They all have a breaking point. We just have to find hers.”

I shake my head, the jealous rage bubbling up again. “No. I won’t do it. I won’t share her.”

Ren’s eyes narrow. “This isn’t about what you want. This is about the family. About getting the information we need. Are you really going to let your feelings for this girl get in the way of that?”

I clench my fists, torn between my duty to the family and the growing desire to protect Camila. To keep her for myself. “She’s a virgin,” I admit.

Renzo’s eyes flash with predatory glee. “Fuck, really?”

“Yes, which means she’s not going to want to get down and dirty with three men at the same time. Forget it.”

Dante clears his throat. “I think it’s more likely she will if she’s a virgin at eighteen. Think how fucking desperate for cock she’ll be?”

I grind my teeth, hearing Dante agree with my brother. If it’s two against one, I know my only option is conceding.

“Alright,” I say through gritted teeth. “We’ll try it your way, Ren. But we go slow. I lead this.”

Renzo’s grin spreads wide, his eyes dancing with victory. “Of course, brother. Whatever you say.”

I turn to Dante. He won’t meet my eyes. “What about you?” I ask. “You in?”

Dante shuffles his feet, clearly conflicted. I know he’s attracted to Camila, too, though he’d never admit it. After a tense moment, he nods. “Yeah,” Dante says, his voice low. “I’m in.”

I take a deep breath, trying to calm the storm inside me. “Listen, if we’re going to do this, it has to be on my terms.”

Renzo raises an eyebrow, a challenge in his eyes. “And what terms would those be?”

I meet his gaze head-on. “I claim Camila’s virginity. No one touches her before I do.”

Renzo’s jaw clenches, his eyes flashing with defiance. “And why should you get that privilege?”

“Because I’m the one who’s been working on her,” I growl. “I’m the one who’s gotten close to her. If anyone will be her first, it will be me.”

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