Page 12 of Sinister Lies

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Her cheeks redden, and she shakes her head. “I like Elio, and he asked me out on a date.” She sighs, meeting my gaze. “I don’t want to get in between two brothers.”

“Why the hell not? It’s one of the hottest things you’ll ever experience.”

Her brow furrows in confusion.

“We’re good at sharing,” I clarify.

Her eyes widen, and she coughs in shock, shaking her head. “What?” Despite her bashfulness, the blush in her cheeks tells me she’s picturing herself caught between the two of us. Most people would see brother’s sharing as wrong on many levels, but hell, if it doesn’t set my blood on fire.

“Yeah, we’ve shared before. And let me tell you, it’s as hot as it gets.” I watch her closely before leaning in, my voice dropping to a husky whisper. “Can you imagine it, Camila? The two of us and you?”

Her eyes flicker with a mix of shock and something more primal. She stumbles over her words, trying to regain control. “I-I should go. I’ve got a study group.”

She shifts her hands readying herself to stand, but I’m too quick. My hand shoots out, wrapping around her wrist with a firmness that isn’t meant to hurt but to hold her in place.

“Running away because the thought got you all hot and bothered?” I ask, a smirk tugging at the corner of my mouth.

Her breath hitches in her throat, and I can feel her pulse thundering beneath my fingers. She tries to pull away, but I don’t let go. Not yet.

“Renzo,” she says, her voice wavering lightly. “You’re being inappropriate.”

I tilt my head to the side. “Or maybe what I’m suggesting is exactly what you need,” I counter.

Her eyes dart around as if looking for an escape that isn’t there. She’s trapped–not by my grip alone but by the web of intrigue I’ve spun around her since we met.

“You don’t have to run,” I tell her, loosening my grip enough to let her feel like she has a choice. “We’re just talking.”

Her breath comes out in a rush, and for a moment, she appears lost – a ship adrift at sea without a compass. But then she squares her shoulders and meets my eyes with newfound determination.

“Let go of me, Renzo.” Her voice is steady now, commanding even.

I release her wrist, watching as she rubs the spot where my fingers had been. She doesn’t move to get up again; instead, she sits back down with a thud as if her legs can’t carry her weight any longer.

The tension between us crackles like electricity in the air before a storm—dangerous and alive.

“Hey, Renzo!” Dante’s voice washes over me and cuts through the tension. “Who’s this?” he asks, his eyes roaming my bookworm’s body in a predatory way.


He’s interested, too.

Only once have we ever fucked with a girl, all three of us, and that was when we were randy teenagers. I won’t deny it was fucking hot as hell, watching a girl service all three of our cocks, but something tells me that Camila wouldn’t be so up for it.

“This is Camila.” I smile at her.

She glares at me. “And I was just leaving.”

Dante clears his throat and drops to the floor next to me. “Don’t listen to a word that idiot says.” He nods at me. “He’s not right in the head.”

“Oi, don’t be a jerk.” I elbow him in the ribs. Glancing at Camila, I clear my throat. “I apologize if I got a little carried away.”

She licks her bottom lip, cheeks still flushed from the dirty image I painted in her mind. “That’s okay.”

“This is Dante. He’s like a brother to me and Elio.”

Dante holds out a hand, and she takes it and shakes. “Nice to meet you, but I should get to the study group.”

“Of course. I’ll see you around, Camila,” Dante says, his voice dripping with desire.

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