Page 116 of Sinister Lies

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Ren nods. “She’s more than earned it.” He lies down on the left side of me, his fingers tracing lazy patterns over my tender breasts.

Dante lies down on the right, his fingers dancing over my stomach. “Our perfect girl.”

I lie cradled between my three lovers. The lingering sensations of pleasure ebb and flow within my body while I bask in the afterglow of our intimacy.

My head rests against Elio’s broad chest, his steady heartbeat and deep breaths soothing me. One of his hands strokes my hair gently while the other holds me close. I’ve never felt as safe and cherished as I do, enveloped in his embrace.

To the right, Dante nuzzles against my neck, his warm breath tickling my skin. His arm draped over my waist, his fingertips lightly tracing circles on my belly.

On my other side, Renzo’s leg entwines with mine, his muscular frame pressed close. His hand rests on my thigh, his thumb idly caressing back and forth. I turn my head, and our eyes meet, his gaze soft and adoring. He leans in and places a tender kiss on my lips.

My heart swells with emotion as I fully absorb the depth of my love for these three incredible men. Each is so different, yet each cherishes me in their own way. Elio’s steady devotion, Dante’s playful affection, and Renzo’s fiery passion - together, they make me feel whole.

No matter what twists and turns the future brings, I know I’ve found my home here, cradled safely between them. Our love defies convention or judgment. It simply is a profound and powerful bond that connects our souls.

I close my eyes, wanting to memorize every sensation and commit this moment to memory. A contented smile touches my lips. Here, surrounded by their love, I have found true happiness.




One year later…

Istand at the altar, my heart racing with excitement and nerves as I face Elio, my soon-to-be husband. His dark eyes shine with love and devotion, and I can’t help but smile back at him. As the priest begins the ceDanteny, I glance to the side, my gaze locking with Renzo and Dante, who stand tall and proud as Elio’s best men.

Their presence fills me with a sense of comfort and belonging. Even though I can only legally marry Elio, our love transcends the boundaries of traditional relationships. We’ve pledged our hearts to each other, promising to cherish and support one another despite our challenges.

As I recite my vows, my voice trembles with emotion. “Elio, I promise to love you, to stand by your side, and to be your partner in every sense of the word. Our love is true and unbreakable.”

Elio’s eyes glisten with unshed tears as he responds, “Camila, you are my world, my everything. I vow to love you, to protect you, and to honor the bond we share. Together, we are stronger than anything life can throw at us.”

As we exchange rings, I feel a surge of love and gratitude for the three incredible men in my life. I know that Renzo and Dante may feel a twinge of jealousy that Elio gets to call me his wife in the eyes of the law. Still, they understand the importance of this union.

Our marriage is not just a declaration of our love; it is a political alliance, a merging of the Aguilar Cartel and the Barone Mafia. By joining our families, we strengthen our power and influence, ensuring a future where we can protect and support each other in the face of adversity.

As the priest pronounces us husband and wife, I feel emotion wash over me. Elio pulls me close, his lips capturing mine in a passionate kiss that leaves me breathless. I can feel the love and support radiating from Renzo and Dante as they watch us, their hearts entwined with ours in this moment of pure joy and unity.

I can’t help but feel giddy as Elio and I leave the church, hand in hand, our union finally sealed. The weight of our families’ rivalry feels lighter, replaced by a sense of hope and excitement for the future.

As we approach the reception hall, I’m immediately enveloped in a flurry of embraces and well-wishes from my family. My mother’s eyes shine with tears of joy, pulling me into a tight hug. “My darling daughter, I’m so happy for you,” she murmurs.

My father, a stoic man known for his stern demeanor, surprises me by placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. “You’ve made us proud, Camila,” he says, the corners of his mouth curving into a rare smile.

Sergio wraps me in a bear hug and chuckles, “I guess you’re all grown up now, huh?”

I laugh, the tension in my shoulders melting away as I bask in the warmth of my family’s acceptance. Looking around, I see Elio, Renzo, and Dante mingling with my relatives, their faces alight with genuine happiness. It’s a far cry from the cautious distance that had once existed between our families.

The air is filled with laughter, music, and clinking glasses as the reception gets underway. Elio whisks me away to the dance floor, his strong arms guiding me through a graceful waltz. I catch glimpses of Renzo and Dante cutting loose on the dance floor, their infectious energy drawing in others to join them.

The food, prepared by my family’s renowned chefs, is exquisite. I savor every bite, my appetite heightened by the celebratory atmosphere. Dante, ever the gentleman, ensures that my glass is never empty, refilling it with the finest champagne.

I feel truly blessed to be surrounded by the people I love most in the world. The barriers that once divided our families have crumbled, and in their place stands a unity forged through love, trust, and a shared vision for the future.

The music slows as the night wears on, and Elio pulls me close, his lips finding mine in a tender kiss. I melt into his embrace, my heart swelling, knowing that this is only the beginning of our journey together. The three of us.

“It’s time to go, my love,” he whispers, his voice low and intimate. I nod, my gaze flicking over to Renzo and Dante, standing nearby, ready to join us.

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