Page 105 of Sinister Lies

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I reach for her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “It’s a type of roleplaying,” I explain gently. “Participants take on animal personas and instincts.”

Camila still looks uncertain. “Oh...”

“We don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with,” I say firmly, shooting Renzo a warning glance. He holds up his hands in mock surrender.

Elio chimes in, “Dante’s right, we’ll only do what you want. This should be fun for everyone.”

Camila relaxes a bit and nods. “Okay then, I’m open to trying it. But promise me one thing?”

“Anything,” I tell her sincerely.

“That place stays between just the four of us. This is our secret.”

My heart swells with emotion, and I embrace her tightly. “I promise. No one will ever know of this place except us.” Elio and Renzo murmur their agreement.

Camila smiles, some of the apprehension leaving her eyes. “Alright then, let’s see what this ‘primal play’ is all about.”

I grin and pull her in for a deep kiss. When we finally break apart, breathless, I whisper in her ear, “Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of you.”

Camila shivers in anticipation and nods. I take her hand as we walk deeper into the woods, ready to embrace our primal instincts together.

Ren is the one who stops her. “I want you to run for us, bookworm. We’ll give you a ten-second head start to escape.”

She shudders and hugs her coat tighter to herself. “Escape?”

“Yeah, that’s how this works,” I say, running a hand across her back. “You act like you’re scared and fleeing us, and we chase you down. And when we catch you, we have our way with you—all three of us.”

Her eyes flash with desire. “Do I pretend I’m unwilling?”

I smile at Camila reassuringly, seeing the apprehension in her eyes. “It’s just a roleplay, Tesoro. We’d never actually force you into anything you don’t want. You can end it anytime by using your safe word.”

She nods, looking relieved. “What should my safe word be?”

I think for a moment. “How about stoplights?’ Green means keep going, yellow means slow down, and red means full stop.”

“Got it,” Camila says. “Green means go, yellow means slow down, red means stop.”

“Exactly,” I say. “And if at any point you say ‘red,’ we stop immediately, no questions asked. Your comfort is the most important thing.”

Elio and Renzo murmur their agreement. And it appears Camila feels more at ease now that we’ve set clear boundaries.

“Ten seconds is a good head start,” Ren announces. “We’ll give you time to really get into character before coming after you.”

Camila smiles, some of her usual mischief returning to her eyes. “You better catch me quick, or I’ll disappear into the woods!”

Elio laughs. “Oh, don’t worry. We’ll catch you. And when we do...” He trails off suggestively, eliciting a blush from Camila.

“Just remember, it’s all pretend,” I say seriously.

Camila leans in and gives me a soft kiss. “I trust you. All of you. Let’s do this.”

I grin and pull her close for one more searing kiss before releasing her. She turns and starts running into the woods. I count down from ten under my breath as Elio and Renzo get into position beside me. When I hit zero, we take off after her, ready to act out this thrilling game of predator and prey. But underneath it all is our love and trust in each other.



Idart through the dense forest, my heart pounding with exhilaration. The boys are behind me, their heavy footsteps crashing through the undergrowth. I feel a thrill of fear and anticipation as I weave between the trees, knowing they’re hunting me.

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