Page 103 of Sinister Lies

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Camila still looks uncertain, so I squeeze her shoulder reassuringly. “I’m sure they’re okay. Just caught up in the whirlwind, like we all are.”

She nods slowly. “I hope you’re right. I miss them.”

“We’ll catch up with them soon,” Renzo pipes up beside me. “Maybe we can all get together this weekend.”

Camila brightens at that suggestion. “I’d love that.” She nestles back against my chest, seemingly comforted.

I exchange a look with Renzo over her head. We both know there are things about the Nexus that Camila has yet to learn. Her treatment from us is tame compared to some of the groups that joined. But for now, all that matters is keeping her happy and ensuring she feels safe with us.

I wrap my arms around her, holding her close as we enjoy the quiet intimacy of the moment. Despite the madness of our world, I feel utterly content with Camila by my side. Whatever challenges come next, we’ll face them together.



Isit at the table, watching Camila laugh at one of Renzo’s jokes, her eyes sparkling. Elio’s arm is draped casually over her shoulder. It’s strange how natural this feels. The four of us go out to dinner like it’s the most normal thing in the world.

“Remember when we first met, Tesoro?” I ask, using my nickname for her. “You were so shy, always hiding behind your books.”

Camila blushes, ducking her head. “And you were the charming one, always trying to coax me out of my shell.”

Renzo snorts. “More like the persistent one. I thought you’d never give in to him.”

“But she did,” Elio says, pressing a kiss to Camila’s temple. “And now look at us.”

I shake my head, still marveling at how far we’ve come. When we first set out to seduce Camila, it was all about the mission—getting close to her family. But somewhere along the way, it became something more.

I catch Camila’s eye across the table, and she gives me a small smile. My heart skips a beat, and I realize with a jolt how much I’ve fallen for her. It’s not about the physical attraction anymore, though that’s certainly still there. It’s about how she makes me feel like I’m more than a soldier in my father’s army. She truly sees me.

“To us,” I say, raising my glass in a toast. “May we always have each other’s backs, no matter what.”

Elio and Renzo echo the sentiment, and we clink our glasses together. As I take a sip of my wine, I can’t help but feel a sense of foreboding. We’re playing a dangerous game with higher stakes than ever now Elio is the leader of the Barone Mafia. But looking around at the three people who have become my family, I know I’d do anything to protect them.

I sip my wine, watching Camila laugh at something Elio says. Her eyes light up, and her hair falls across her shoulders... it’s enough to take my breath away. I’ve never felt this way about anyone; it scares me a little. In our line of work, emotions are a liability. But with Camila, I can’t help myself.

“You’re staring,” Renzo mutters, elbowing me in the side.

I tear my gaze away from Camila, feeling my cheeks heat up. “Am not.”

Renzo rolls his eyes. “Sure, keep telling yourself that.”

I flip him off under the table, but I can’t keep the smile from my face. Renzo may be an asshole sometimes, but he’s like a brother to me. And right now, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.

As the night wears on, we finish our meals, and the conversation turns to what’s next. I clear my throat, feeling a sudden surge of nervousness.

“I was thinking,” I say, trying to keep my voice casual. “Why don’t we all go somewhere special? Just the four of us.”

Camila raises an eyebrow, a curious smile playing at the corners of her mouth. “And where might that be?”

I grin, feeling a rush of excitement. “It’s a surprise. But trust me, you’ll love it.”

Elio and Renzo exchange glances and I can see their minds turning over. They’re probably wondering what I’m up to, but I won’t give anything away.

“Come on,” I say, standing up and holding my hand to Camila. “I’m the designated driver, so I call the shots.”

Camila hesitates momentarily, but then she takes my hand and lets me pull her to her feet. Elio and Renzo follow, and we leave the restaurant and into the cool night air.

As we walk to the car, I can’t help but feel a sense of anticipation.

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