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“Fine,” I say, relenting. “Wine it is.”

We make it through the mundane small talk about the weather and my brother’s first weeks of training. I discreetly glance at my watch, wondering when Xavier will get to the point of this entire production.

Finally, after an awkward lull, Xavier leans forward, his expression turning serious. “So I’ve been thinking a lot since our...confrontation the other day.”

I incline my head warily. “Oh?”

He braces both forearms on the table, an intense look in his dark eyes. “Here’s the thing, Emma. I like you.”

I blink, gobsmacked. “...What?”

“Obviously, we got off on the wrong foot,” he continues smoothly. “But I see a lot of potential for us.”

“Potential,” I repeat dumbly, my mind racing to catch up. Where is he going with this?

Xavier toys with his wineglass, gazing at me intently beneath hooded lids. “You’re not like the other women I know. You challenge me. And I respect that.”

Despite myself, I feel an instinctive spark of pleasure at his words. I tamp it down quickly. “Forgive me, but is there a point to this... flattery?” I ask, steel lining my voice.

He chuckles. “Perceptive as always.” Xavier leans back, regarding me shrewdly. “I have a business proposal for you, Emma.”

I arch a brow, waiting.

“It’s no secret my breakup with Rachel caused some...complications,” he begins slowly. “Now, with her new boyfriend, the media won’t leave me alone about it. They think there’s more to the story.”

“Which I’m sure there is,” I interject pointedly.

Xavier’s jaw clenches briefly before he smooths his features. “Regardless, I could use some good press to get them off my back. Which is where you come in.”

I fold my arms across my chest. “What exactly are you asking me to do?”

His lips curve into a knowing smile. “I’m so pleased you asked, Emma. I’d like you to be my girlfriend.”

My jaw drops open.

Xavier holds up a hand. “Let me clarify. My pretend girlfriend, just for the press and a few events. We’ll play up the romance angle, give them something new to fixate on. Once it all dies down, we stage a clean breakup. No harm done.”

I stare at him, speechless. Is he actually serious right now?

Xavier casually takes a sip of wine. “Obviously, I’ll make it worth your while. Put in a good word with the coach about Jeff. Maybe suggest he get more field time.” His gaze turns piercing. “Lord knows he could use the help.” He leans back, locking eyes with me as he waits for my response. The wine in his glass has barely been touched, but the atmosphere between us is heady, almost intoxicating. “So, you understand the proposal.”

“Understand it?” I say, still incredulous. “I understand you want to use me as some sort of tabloid diversion. But understanding doesn’t mean agreeing.”

He inhales deeply, a veneer of composure glossing over a hint of...what? Nervousness? No, Xavier Johnson doesn’t do nerves.

“Let’s not pretend it’s entirely altruistic,” he says softly. “You need something, too. Your brother needs something. And I can provide that. Besides,” he hesitates, “it’s not like we’d be lying. We’d just be...curating the truth.”

I can’t help but snort. “Curating? That’s what we’re calling it?”

“Yes,” he says, ignoring my sarcasm. “It’s like modern art. Everyone sees it, but not everyone gets it. And right now, I need the world to see something specific.”

“That you’re over Rachel and her new boyfriend?” I cut in.

Xavier’s face tightens, a ripple in his smooth exterior. “That, and that I can maintain a stable relationship without turning it into a TMZ highlight reel.”

“You had me fooled,” I murmur, more to myself than to him.

But he hears me and leans forward, eyes unguarded for a fraction of a second.

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