Page 55 of The Rookie's Sister

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Before I can overthink it, I tug out my phone and hit call back. Wayne answers on the first ring.

“Xavier! Tell me you’re calling back with good news.”

I take a breath, envisioning Emma’s face, her father’s frail hand clinging to life. The choice becomes clear.

“Wayne, I can’t sign the Pulse deal. I know what we discussed, but for personal reasons, I need to walk away.”

“Personal reasons?” Wayne’s voice spikes an octave. “You realize what you’re giving up, right? This is a legacy-defining partnership!”

I wince, resolve wavering. But one glimpse at Emma steels my spine.

“I realize that. But some things matter more. I need to stand by my principles on this.”

Wayne sputters in protest, but I cut him off. “I appreciate you setting this up. But the answer is no. Let’s just leave it at that.”

Before he can argue further, I end the call and silence my phone. Suddenly the sterile hallway seems brighter, the air easier to breathe. I lift my eyes to Emma’s. Something powerful passes between us then, words unnecessary. I feel like I’ve passed some secret kind of test.

In her face, I glimpse the first faint rays of a rising sun, burning through the fog to illuminate a path forward together. If she’ll still have me by her side.

I open my mouth, an invitation on my tongue, when the waiting room door swings open.

“Ms. Thompson?”

A tall, silver-haired man in a pristine white coat strides toward us, hand extended. Dr. Alden. The acclaimed surgeon who just saved Emma’s father.

Emma turns to him eagerly. “Yes, I’m Emma Thompson. Charles’s daughter. How is he doing?”

Dr. Alden’s craggy face crinkles into a smile. “The procedure went perfectly. Your father is recovering well. I expect a full recovery within a few weeks. You’ll have many more years with your father.” His smile widens. “We’ll keep him here for 48 hours until Friday, then he’ll be all yours.”

Relief crashes over Emma’s face. She thanks the doctor profusely, blinking back a fresh wave of tears, before peppering him with eager questions about post-operation care.

As their voices recede down the hall, I hang back, watching Emma walk away with the legendary surgeon. Today marks a new beginning for her family. And maybe, if I’m brave enough, for me and Emma too. For now, I’m content to give her space with her dad. There will be time to talk through the next steps later.

My thoughts are interrupted by the vibrating of my phone, still silenced in my pocket. Normally I’d ignore it, but something makes me fish it out.

The text isn’t from Wayne, but from Coach Reynolds. Three short words that make my stomach drop.

Trade offer received.

Ice water trickles down my spine. I know immediately what this means—the club has an offer to trade Jeff. To send him packing from Chicago before he’s had a chance to prove himself. If Jeff goes, Emma might go with him.

I grimace, guilt settling heavy on my shoulders. I promised Emma I’d look out for her brother, be his mentor. But between the mess with Rachel, managing my career, and getting tangled up with Emma, I’ve taken my eye off the ball.

And now that chicken has come home to roost.

I slump against the wall, Coach’s message blurring before my eyes. How did I let things get to this point? If I’d been a better mentor, maybe Jeff’s performance would be stronger and the club wouldn’t be so quick to cut him loose.

Which means this impending trade is on me. My screwup to fix.

The question is—do I tell Emma? She has enough on her plate right now with her dad’s health. This could destroy her.

But keeping it from her could seriously damage her trust if she finds out later. I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place, with no clear path forward.

Maybe there’s still a move left to play here. I straighten from the wall, fresh purpose surging through me. The club hasn’t pulled the trigger yet. That means there’s still time to convince them Jeff has potential, if I step up as his mentor for real.

Before I can overthink it, I fire off a text to Coach Reynolds: Don’t make a decision until after the Sunday game.

The three blinking dots taunt me as Coach types out his reply. After an agonizing wait, his response appears.

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